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Response of Cuba and Uruguay in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic


The present study aims to analyze the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Uruguay and Cuba in the years 2020 and 2021, systematizing possible lessons. This is a comparative case study, supported by an integrative review, document analysis and secondary data. Both countries can be described as successful cases in fighting COVID-19 in 2020, having suffered, however, a turnaround in the situation in 2021. As highlighted elements in the first phase, the coordination of the response, exercised by the chief government, public health institutions and the academic field, in addition to pre-existing characteristics of their health and social protection systems. The failure in 2021 may be related, in turn, to the misalignment between Uruguayan government authorities and scientific advice, in the relaxation of measures, and the entry of new variants; the reopening of tourism in Cuba; the loosening of social distancing measures and the emergence and spread of new variants in both cases. This year, the disease was contained mainly through rapid immunization in both countries, despite a relative delay in its initiation. Based on the experiences reported, aspects that can help future responses in dealing with health emergencies were discussed.

Key words:
Uruguay; Cuba; COVID-19; Health systems; Surveillance

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