Nettleton et al., 200948 |
FFQ1 |
PCA2 (with varimax orthogonal rotation) |
1-Dietary pattern fat and processed meat: added fat, processed meat, French fries, and desserts; |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 1.82 |
Reference 0.99-3.35 |
0.100 |
2-Dietary pattern vegetables and fish: vegetables, fish, soup, Chinese food, red meat, poultry, and soya; |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 0.98 |
Reference 0.54-1.79 |
0.380 |
3-Dietary pattern beans, tomatoes and refined grains: Beans, tomato, refined grains, high-fat dairy products, avocado/guacamole and red meat; |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 0.8 |
Reference 0.45-1.42 |
0.790 |
4-Dietary pattern whole grains and fruit: whole grains, fruit, nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 0.54 |
Reference 0.33-0.91 |
0.007 |
Nettleton et al., 200836 |
PCA (with varimax orthogonal rotation) |
1-Dietary pattern fat and processed meat: added fat, processed meat, French fries and desserts; |
2-Dietary pattern vegetables and fish: vegetables, fish, soup, Chinese food, red meat, poultry and soya; |
3-Dietary pattern beans, tomatoes and refined grains: Beans, tomato, refined grains, high-fat dairy products, avocado / guacamole and red meat; |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 1.23 |
Reference 0.85-1.78 |
0.004 |
4-Dietary pattern whole grains and fruit: whole grains, fruit, nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables and low-fat dairy products. |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 0.66 |
Reference 0.47-0.93 |
0.005 |
Liu et al., 200912 |
Reduced classification regression |
RRR3 dietary pattern: food with high glycemic index (bread / refined grain noodles, white potato and sweet bread), meat with high content of fat, cheese and processed food (French fries, snack food, pizza, ice cream). |
<0.001 |
Liu et al., 201338 |
1-“South” pattern: beans and legumes, corn products, fried fish and chicken, margarine and butter, rice and noodles; |
Tertile 1 Tertile 3 |
1.00 2.16 |
Reference 1.30-3.60 |
0.004 |
2-“Fast food” pattern: sugars and sweetened juices, fast food and snack food; |
Tertile 1 Tertile 3 |
1,00 2.40 |
Reference 1.40-4.20 |
0.002 |
3-“Prudent” pattern: fruit and vegetables, cold and hot cereals, nuts and seeds. |
Tertile 1 Tertile 3 |
1.00 0.75 |
Reference 0.50-1.10 |
0.120 |
Lara et al., 201949 |
PCA and Factor analysis |
1-Convenience pattern: meat, pasta, Mexican dishes, pizza, French fries, Chinese dishes and fast food; |
Quartile 1 Quartile 4 |
1.00 1.21 |
Reference 0.83-1.77 |
0.17 |
2-Plant-based pattern: cruciferous vegetables and other vegetables, fruit, beans and fish; |
Quartile 1 Quartile 4 |
1.00 0.59 |
Reference 0.41-0.86 |
0.004 |
3-Sweets/Fat pattern: desserts, bread for breakfast, chocolate, sweets, solid fats and oils and diverse sugar; |
Quartile 1 Quartile 4 |
1.00 0.76 |
Reference 0.51-1.11 |
0.240 |
4-South pattern: fried food, organ meat, processed meat, eggs, added fat and sugar-sweetened drinks; |
Quartile 1 Quartile 4 |
1.00 1.32 |
Reference 0.90-1.93 |
0.240 |
5-Alcohol/ salad pattern: wine, liqueur, bear, vegetables and salad dressing. |
Quartile 1 Quartile 4 |
1.00 0.83 |
Reference 0.59-1.16 |
0.450 |
Keding et al., 201146 |
24HR4 (applied for 3 non-consecutive days) |
1-“Traditional coast” pattern: fruit, nuts, starchy plants and fish; |
2-“Purchase ” pattern: bread or cakes, sugar and tea; |
0.005 |
3-“Traditional-countryside” pattern: cereals, vegetables and the food group oil or fat; |
4-“Pulses” pattern: dried and cooked common red beans, chickpeas, cowpeas, green beans, green peas (dried), pigeon peas and soya; |
5-“Animal products” pattern: products of animal origin, excluding fish. |
0.003 |
Desh-mukh-Taskar et al., 20096 |
YFQ5 |
PCA and Factor analysis |
1-Western dietary pattern: refined grains, French fries, dairy products rich in fat, dishes with cheese, red meat, processed meat, eggs, snack food, sweets and desserts, sugar-sweetened drinks and condiments; |
0.93 |
0.80-1.07 |
0.070 |
2-Prudent dietary pattern: whole grains, legumes, vegetables, tomatoes, 100%-fruit juice, low-fat dairy products, poultry, soups and salad dressing with low-fat content. |
0.93 |
0.80-1.07 |
0,350 |
Davis et al., 201344 |
Factor analysis through PCA |
1-Pizza and sweets pattern: pizza, sweets, bread, pasta and fried chicken; |
2-Meat pattern: eggs, processed meat and cultural meat (for instance, goat and oxtail); |
3-Fried food pattern: French fries and fried chicken; |
4-Fruit and vegetable pattern: fresh fruit, non-aquatic vegetables and fish; 5-Caribbean starch pattern: vegetables rich in starch, rice and beans. |
Boggs et al., 201532 |
Factor analysis |
1-Prudent dietary pattern: vegetables and fruit; |
2-Western pattern: red and processed meat, fried food8. |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 1.10 |
Reference 0.82-1.46 |
0.74 |
Holmes et al., 201831 |
1-Mixed-diet pattern: non-processed food, such as legumes, fresh fish, cereals, fruit and beans, and, processed food, such as cold meat, salad dressing and canned fish; |
Tertile 1 Tertile 3 |
1.00 0.81 |
Reference 0.46-1.44 |
0.950 |
2-Processed diet pattern: salad dressing, margarine, French fries, coffee, canned fish, butter, sweets and refined grains. |
Tertile 1 Tertile 3 |
1.00 3.00 |
Reference 1.66-5.45 |
<0.0001 |
Nettleton et al., 200640 |
-Fat and processed meat pattern: fats and oils, meat with high content of fat and processed meat, French fries, snack food and desserts; |
2-Vegetables and fish pattern: vegetables, fish and soup; |
3-Beans, tomato and refined grains pattern: legumes, tomato, refined bread, rice, noodles, cheese with high content of fat, cheese and cream sauce, avocado and guacamole; |
4-Whole grains and fruit pattern: whole-grain bread, rice and noodles, fruit, seeds, nuts and peanut butter |
Becquey et al., 201043 |
Qualitative FFQ |
1-Snack food pattern: food usually consumed between the main meals (déguè, milk, sugar-sweetened drinks, yogurt, bread, fruit…); |
1.04 |
0.95-1.13 |
0.424 |
2-Modernity pattern: opposite to traditional dishes and sauces (sauces of tô, okra and Sumaúma) and local snack food (peanut, cakes and local drinks) to more modern-type food or preparations (scrambled eggs, chicken, tomato sauce, pasta, cheese, meat, soft drinks, soup, French sauce, hamburger). |
1.19 |
1.03-1.36 |
0.018 |
Boggs et al., 201145 |
PCA and Factor Analysis |
1-Vegetables/fruit pattern: vegetables, fruit, legumes, fish and whole grain; |
0.820 |
2-Meat/fried food pattern: red meat, processed meat, French fries, fried chicken and added fat. |
0.080 |
Frank et al., 201447 |
FFQ and 24HR |
Factor analysis through PCA. |
1-Shopping dietary pattern sweets and sugar-sweetened drinks, rice, food rich in protein (red meat, poultry, eggs and milk), vegetable oils (vegetable oil and margarine) fruit and vegetables (carrot, lettuce and cucumber); |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 0.11 |
Reference 0.06-0.21 |
<0.001 |
2-Traditional dietary pattern: banana, green leafy vegetables, beans, Garden egg, fish, corn (banku), palm oil, okra and fruit. |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 3.2 |
Reference 1.96-5.22 |
<0.001 |
Liese et al., 200429 |
Cluster grouping |
1-French fries pattern: whole milk, soft drinks, pastry, cakes, sweets; |
0.161 |
2-White bread pattern: White bread, tomato, cheese, dried beans, eggs, fats and oils and beer; |
0.000 |
3-Low-frequency eater pattern: distinguished by the lower daily average intake of food of several groups, which reflected in lesser intake of general energy; |
0.003 |
4-Fruit and poultry pattern: fruit and fruit juice, poultry, in addition to ice cream and meal substitutes; |
5-Wine pattern: denoted the intake of food groups of mean levels, except wine and mixed drinks, of which a total of 2,3 portions per day were consumed; |
6-Brown bread pattern: brown bread and cereals or rich in fibers, rice, noodles, legumes and also cooked or baked potatoes, low-fat dairy products, fish diet soft drinks and tofu. |
Delisle et al., 20091 |
Cluster analysis |
1-Western pattern: sweet food and drinks, animal fat and diverse/mixed dishes (this food group includes composed dishes as croquettes, soups and sauces); |
2-Healthier dietary pattern: consumption of milk and dairy products, fish, legumes, fruit and bread. |
1.51 |
0.56-3.48 |
0.480 |
Fröhlich et al., 201930 |
Factor analysis through PCA |
1-Animal fat/calorie pattern: consumption of animal fat, jam, bread, potatoes/manioc, coffee, eggs, red meat and sweets; |
Quartile 1 Quartile 4 |
1.00 0.86 |
Reference 0.49-1.51 |
2-Snack food/fast food pattern: consumption of salty and sweet biscuits, cold meats, snack food, soft drinks, fast food, vegetable oil and dairy products; |
Quartile 1 Quartile 4 |
1.00 0.61 |
Reference 0.36-1.01 |
3-Fruit/vegetable pattern: consumption of green vegetables, yellow vegetables, banana, citric fruit, whole cereals, other vegetables, other fruit. |
Quartile 1 Quartile 4 |
1.00 2.26 |
Reference 1.30-3.93 |
Silva et al., 201442 |
1-Factor 1: cheese, cream, processed meat; |
Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3 |
1.30 1.23 1.00 |
0.89-1.90 0.83-1.81 Reference |
0.376 |
2-Factor 2: condensed milk, papaya, apple, banana, Orange, pumpkin, leafy vegetables, other vegetables and in natura fruit juice and lesser consumption of processed meat; |
Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3 |
0.83 0.62 1.00 |
0.59-1.19 0.42-0.90 Reference |
0.046 |
3-Factor 3: whole milk, creams, red meat, industrial mayonnaise and lesser consumption of processed meat. |
Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3 |
0.95 0.94 1.00 |
0.66-1.37 0.66-1.35 Reference |
0.940 |
Perozzo et al., 200839 |
Factor analysis through PCA |
1-Vegetables food pattern: cabbage, kale, cauliflower, Brussel sprout, pumpkin, carrot, orange, broccoli, beets, tomatoes, pods, bananas, papayas, apples, bergamots, and others. green vegetables and biscuits; |
HC8 LC9 |
2-Fruit dietary pattern: melon, watermelon, mango, pear, peach, persimmon, grape, lemon, passion fruit, pineapple, ice cream, avocado, guava, kiwi, natural juice and fish; |
HC8 LC9 |
1.00 1.05 |
Reference 0.99-1.11 |
0.070 |
3-Nuts/oleaginous dietary pattern: almond, hazelnut, walnut, chestnut, prune, raisin, whole grain pasta, oatmeal, wheat bran, brown sugar, honey, rye bread, whole grain bread, soy, red wine and whole rice); |
HC8 LC9 |
1.00 0.93 |
Reference 0.89-0.98 |
0.088 |
4-Bread/cassava/sweet potato dietary pattern: homemade bread, cassava, sweet potatoes, corn, beans, lentils, sugar, lard, whole milk, potatoes, cream, pasta and pork; |
HC8 LC9 |
1.00 0.98 |
Reference 0.92-1.03 |
0.460 |
5-Chocolate/sweets dietary pattern: chocolate, candies, desserts, sweets, sour cream, ham, mortadella, salami, pantry, mayonnaise, processed cheese, fried foods, fast food, sweet biscuit, cuca and cake. |
HC8 LC9 |
1.00 1.03 |
Reference 0.97-1.09 |
0.323 |
Gower et al., 202137 |
1-Convenience pattern: ready-made food/fast food; |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 0.99 |
Reference 0.82-1.19 |
0.810 |
2-Plant-based pattern: poor in processed and prepared and sugar-sweetened food, and rich in fruit, legumes and cereals; |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 0.59 |
Reference 0.49-0.71 |
<0.0001 |
3-Sweets/fat pattern: pastries and other sweets, fat snack food and fried food; |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 1.36 |
Reference 1.12-1.65 |
0.002 |
4-Southern pattern: fried food, processed meat and sugar-sweetened drinks; |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 1.59 |
Reference 1.32-1.92 |
<0.0001 |
5-Alcohol/salad pattern: alcohol (all types), green salad, and salad dressing. |
Quintile 1 Quintile 5 |
1.00 0.74 |
Reference 0.62-0.87 |
<0.0001 |
Sarfo et al., 202133 |
24HR |
1-Vegetable-based pattern: intake of starchy plants, as cereals, roots and tubercles, as well as legumes and nuts, oils and fats; |
2-Shopping pattern: Highly-processed food; |
3-Mixed pattern: cereals, roots, tubercles, fruit, milk, sugar, sugar-sweetened drinks, legumes; |
4-Vegetarian pattern: based on greenery (lettuce, tomato, cabbage, carrot, cassava leaves, black-eyed bean leaves, cucumber, eggplant, etc.); |
Mukoma et al., 202235 |
Quanti tative FFQ |
1-Western pattern: sugar, tea and coffee, cooking fats, whole milk, breakfast cereals, red meat, vegetables, soup powder, condiments and sauces, processed meat, whole grain bread and fruit juice; |
2-Mixed pattern: processed meat, red meat, fruits, vegetables, yogurt, rice and noodles, cakes and biscuits, soup powder, condiments and sauces and fruit juice. |