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Hospital patient safety at the emergency department - a systematic review


Patient safety in health care is the cornerstone of quality in nursing care. It is a duty of nurses and an objective of the health organizations. This article aims to analyze the scientific evidence on the nurses’ perception and opinion on patient safety in the emergency department. Systematic literature review with 3 steps. 1) Primary search at CINHAL and MEDLINE. 2) A broader search, using the same keywords and search terms in the remaining database of the EBSCOHost platform. 3) Search the bibliographic references of the selected articles. The selected studies were published between 2014 and 2019. Five articles were selected. The nurses’ perception reveal that the work environment, teamwork and matters related to the leadership of hierarchical superiors are fundamental factors to improve the quality of care provided and patient safety. Promoting teamwork improves patient care, reduces adverse events and improves quality. Recognizing the nurses’ perception on patient safety culture in emergency services, contributes to improving the quality of care provided.

Key words:
Emergency service; Hospital; Nurses; Patient safety; Review

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