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Meanings attributed by children and adolescents to court cases concerning sexual crimes

This paper addresses the perception of members of the judiciary regarding the introductory deposition. The concept of comprehensive protection was used as a theoretical benchmark. It involves qualitative research, in which the semi-structured interview enabled the production of data, organized according to the content analysis technique, resulting in the following themes: production of evidence; protection; and challenges/needs. A positive perception of the interview was expressed in all themes. It became clear, however, that the culture observed in the judiciary arises as an obstacle to conducting the introductory deposition, since it is necessary to adapt the institution in order to apply the methodology. The enhancement of the physical infrastructure and training of the judiciary clerks are challenges to be overcome for the implementation of the interview as one of the court case procedures involving children and adolescents who are the victims or witnesses of violence.

Child; Adolescent; Mental health; Child and adolescent advocacy

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