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An impact assessment of the Child Growth, Development and Care Program in the Caribbean Region of Colombia

Evaluación del Programa de Crecimiento y Desarrollo y el Cuidado del Niño en Colombia: sus efectos en la región Caribe

Avaliação do Programa de Crescimento, Desenvolvimento e Cuidado Infantil na Colômbia: seus efeitos na Região Caribe


This article aims to assess the impact of the Child Growth, Development and Care Program in the Caribbean region of Colombia by analyzing variables such as maternal childcare practices and indicators of the nutritional status and health of children under the age of five. To this end, the authors used the quasi-experimental technique Propensity Score Matching. Positive impacts included a decrease in acute diarrheal disease, and an increase in immunization and seeking treatment for acute respiratory infection or fever symptoms. However, the program had little influence on chronic and acute malnutrition in the region.

Child Welfare; Regional Development; Statistics; Program Evaluation

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