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The translation of paroemias in Italian-Spanish bilingual dictionaries


The use of proverbs and sayings, so characteristic of the language of the past, has not disappeared and continues to be a peculiar feature of the most colloquial registers, sometimes also reaching the standard level. Learning this linguistic and cultural background in the framework of a foreign language means facing the arduous task of assimilating and memorizing statements that often do not find correspondence in one’s own native language. Having said that, a source that can contribute to the transmission of these linguistic combinations is undoubtedly the bilingual dictionary, which brings together these expressions, thus reinforcing the communicative competence of the student. The objective of the present essay is then to analyze the lexicographic treatment reserved for paroemias in some bilingual Italian-Spanish dictionaries currently used. We will emphasize the translation of these expressions, since the lack of accurate equivalents can have a negative impact on the acquisition through the consultation of the dictionaries.

translation; paroemias; dictionaries; contrastive approach

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/Centro de Comunicação e Expressão/Prédio B/Sala 301 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil