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Assessing the usefulness of publications on terminology and economic translation for professional purposes. A bibliometric and content analysis


Economic terminology has been the subject of numerous research studies from comparative and descriptive perspectives, acknowledging its importance in the quality of translations. However, it is concerning that many of these valuable studies do not reach the hands of those who could directly benefit from them: translators. Often, these resources are neglected when they could be of great interest and impact if incorporated into accessible terminological databases and specific tools for translators and translation specialists. This is especially relevant in a context where the evolution of machine translation underscores the importance of translators developing highly specialized knowledge. Against this backdrop, the present study pursues a twofold objective: firstly, to carry out a bibliometric and content analysis of the existing literature on economic terminology; and secondly, to evaluate, based on this analysis, the existing contributions considering different criteria and reflect on their practical utility for the translation profession in the economic field.

bibliometric study; content analysis; assessment; economic terminology; profession

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/Centro de Comunicação e Expressão/Prédio B/Sala 301 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil