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This paper aims to make reflections concerning the correspondence between Translation Studies, Dramaturgy and the Humorous Language. To that end, it will be necessary to raise problems about the transposition of the humorous language from one linguistic code to another, and specifically, considerations will be made about this correspondence with the scenic language, regarding the production of comedy, through the reflections of Susan Bassnett (2005), Luciana Kaross (2007), Valentín García Yebra (1983), Sirkku Aaltonen (2000), Patrice Pavis (2008), Marlene Fortuna (2000; 2010; 2011), among others in the field of Translation Studies and Dramaturgy. As a prelude to these reflections, it is considered that there is creativity on the part of the actor/translator and other agents of the theater so that the humorous language present in the source text has the same effect on the target language viewer in which the dramatic text is staged, that is, it provokes laughter.

Humor Translation; Translation Studies; Theatrical Translation; Critical Reflection

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/Centro de Comunicação e Expressão/Prédio B/Sala 301 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil