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Functional properties of whey protein hydrolysates from milk whey proteins concentrate

The object of this work was to compare the functional activity of whey protein concentrate (WPC) and its hydrolysates produced by different enzyme systems. Pancreatin and microbial (protamex and alcalase) were utilized. Functional activity was monitored by liver concentration of glutathione and primary immunological response (IgM) in spleen (PFC). In the biological assays isogênic mice A/J, fed on an AIN modified diet (20% WPC or its hydrolysates) were used. ThePFC number did not differ for pancreatin and protemix hydrolysates but was inferior for alcalase hydrolysate (p<0.05). Liver glutathione concentration showed a high positive correlation (r=0,992) with the PFC number in the spleen.

functional properties; whey proteins; hydrolysates; glutathione

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