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Effect of enzimatic hydrolysis on functional properties of bovine casein coagulated by the action of chymosin

The objective of the present work was to study the influence of degree of hydrolysis (DH) on the hydrophilic and surface functional properties of a bovine casein obtained by enzymatic coagulation (COC). The degrees of hydrolysis produced were 5.7, 12.8, 20.1 and 35.8%. It was observed that the higher the DH, the higher the protein solubility and the lower the water retention capacity (WRC) of the hydrolysates. The best foaming capacity was obtained with 12.8% DH and best foam stability with 5.7% DH. The hydrolysate with 5.7% DH showed the same emulsifying capacity as the coagulated casein, however emulsion stability was superior for the 5.7% hydrolysate than for COC. The hydrolysates with higher DH (12.8, 20.1 and 35.8%) did not form emulsion.

casein; enzymatic hydrolysis; hydrophilic properties; surface; properties

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