Open-access Use of Intron Splice Site primer EI-1 in the discrimination of contaminant yeasts from the alcoholic fermentation process

In the present study, the Intron Splice Site primer EI-1 was used for the analysis of the profile amplification of different species of yeasts considered contaminants (16) in the alcoholic fermentation process obtained from a distillery in the State of Paraíba in 2004/2005. Analytic stages for the molecular discrimination of the yeasts from the total DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and genetic profile analysis were performed. The results indicates that Intron Splice Site primer EI-1 is highly efficient at discriminating between different Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces species showing specific band standards for the yeasts analyzed. This primer, which is part of a conserved region of yeast genome, proved incapable of intra-specific discrimination. This finding demonstrates that this marker may be useful in yeast taxonomy.

contaminant yeasts; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Intron

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