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Application of silver nanoparticles in food packages: a review


Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are antimicrobial agents that have a wide spectrum of action, including against pathogenic bacteria and spoilage fungi. However, their mechanism of action is not completely clarified. Nowadays, scientific interest on biological synthesis of AgNPs is growing, with emphasis in their extracellular biosynthesis by microbial cells, as it is the most reliable and ecologically correct method for production, yielding no toxic residues. AgNPs may be incorporated to biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers for the production of food packages with antimicrobial properties, leading to greater safety and longer shelf life. However, it is important to carry out migration tests for new food packages incorporated with AgNPs, based on the effective levels for their inclusion in the packaging materials.

silver nanoparticles; antimicrobial activity; food packaging; polymers

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