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Determination of amino-acid composition of silages prepared from sardine residues

The composition and amino-acid concentration of chemical, biological and enzymatic silages prepared from sardine residues, were determined. The essential amino-acid, leucine showed the highest values in all silages (8.31; 8,33 8.42; and 8.06 g/100g protein), followed by lysine (6.46, 6.50, 6.45 and 9,.01 g/100 protein), for chemical silage, protease silage after one week pepsin silage in the L. plantarum after 2 weeks respectively). Phenylalanine showed a value of 5.32g/100g protein in the chemical silages after one week, 5.35g/100g in the protease silage after one week, 5.25g/100g in the pepsin silage after two weeks and 5.18g/100g in the silage inoculated with L. plantarum plus its medium, also after two weeks. The increase in the valine during the silage processing deserves special mention, increasing from 4.80/100g protein in the raw material to 7.67 in the chemical silage (3 weeks); 6.26 in the biological silage (L. plantarum + molasse) after 48 hours and 6.27 in the protease silage after one week and 6.02 in the pepsine silage after 2 weeks. The greatest concentration was present by glutamic acid, showed an initial value of 15.20 g/100g protein and later, 14.02 in the chemical silage (1 week), 14.89 in the enzymatic silage with protease (1 week) and 17.09 in the L. plantarum + molasse silage after 48 hours.

fish silage; amino acids; fish residues; sardine

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos Av. Brasil, 2880, Caixa Postal 271, 13001-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel.: +55 19 3241.5793, Tel./Fax.: +55 19 3241.0527 - Campinas - SP - Brazil