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Sensorial profile of beverage coffee (Coffea arabica L.) determined by analysis time-intensity

The present work had as objective to evaluate the bitter taste, fermented flavor and burned flavor of nine samples (soft/light, hard/light, rio/light, soft/express, hard/express, rio/express, soft/dark, hard/dark and rio/dark) of the drink coffee (Coffea arabica L.) through the analysis Time-Intensity (TI). Six parameters of the curve were evaluated: time to reach the maximum intensity (TImáx), maximum intensity of the incentive (Imáx), time corresponding to the point where the maximum intensity begins to refuse (Td), time of duration of the maximum intensity (Plateau), area under the curve (Área) and total time of duration of the incentive (Ttot). The analysis demonstrated that the samples of dark toast had larger maximum intensity (Imáx) and time of duration of the incentive (Ttot) for bitter taste and burned flavor, while the samples of light toast presented smaller intensity of these stimulus. For the fermented flavor, the sample rio/express was the one that presented larger intensity.

coffee; sensory evaluation; time-intensity analysis

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos Av. Brasil, 2880, Caixa Postal 271, 13001-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel.: +55 19 3241.5793, Tel./Fax.: +55 19 3241.0527 - Campinas - SP - Brazil