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Modified QuEChERS combined with UPLC-MS/MS to determine eight biogenic amines in Xinjiang smoked horsemeat sausages


A modified QuEChERS method coupled with ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) was established for the simultaneous determination of eight biogenic amines (BAs) in Xinjiang smoked horsemeat sausages. The conditions of UPLC-MS/MS, extraction solvent and QuEChERS purification were optimized. The internal standard method was used for quantitative analysis. Results showed that the eight BAs exhibited good linearity (1-200 μg/L, correlation coefficient > 0.99). The limits of detection and quantification were 5 μg/kg and 10 μg/kg, respectively. The accuracy was between 80.4% and 111.4%, and the precision was less than 10%. The established method was effectively used for the determination of eight BAs in forty Xinjiang smoked horsemeat sausages. Results showed that tyramine was the major amine, followed by cadaverine, putrescine and spermine. Total BAs content ranged from 26.5 mg/kg to 352.9 mg/kg, the contents of BAs in Xinjiang smoked horsemeat sausages may pose a potential health risk.

biogenic amines; modified QuEChERS; ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; Xinjiang smoked horsemeat sausages

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