Open-access Study of stability of phytic acid with Ni(II) complex

The technique of potenciometric titration was used to verify the acid-basic properties of the phytic acid, [1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakis(dihydrogen phosphate)-myo-inositol] and the Phytic Acid-Ni(II) complex, in aqueous solution, in constant temperature and ionic strength. To evaluate the thermal behavior end complexation of the isolated phytic acid with the Ni(II) were performed analyses of thermogravimetry (TG), calorimetric scanning differential (DSC) and studies Spectroscopy Infrared (IR). Eight protonation constants of the phytic acid sample as dipotassium salt were determined and seven complex stabilization constants Phytic Acid-Ni(II) sample. The protonation and formation reactions occur within a pH of 2.0 and 11.0. The data obtained show that the phytic acid is totally deprotonate at pH 12.0. The result also shows that the ML species of the complex (one ligand and one metal ion) it totally meets formed in you same value of pH. TG, DTG and DSC techniques reveal that phytic acid as well as the complex had good stability up to 200ºC. The obtained data permitted establish the stoichiometry 1:1 of this complex in the solid state. The Spectroscopy Infrared (IR) proved the stability of the phytic acid and it's interaction with Ni(II).

constants; thermal analysis; infrared

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