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Application of neural networks in predicting the qualitative characteristics of fruits


In this research, the quality properties of persimmon were predicted using artificial intellect techniques. The persimmon samples were transferred to a computer vision lab, room temperature of 24 °C and 22% RH. The samples were divided into three groups for temperature treatment. They were kept at three temperature levels of 5 °C, 15 °C, and 24°C (control group) for 72 hours. The sample was then placed at room temperature and was imaged every second day for a 14 day period. After imaging, each sample underwent destructive tests to determine their quality attributes, including sugar content, firmness, and pH. The results indicate that the neural network's predicted values of acidity, firmness, and sugar of persimmon were not statistically significant differences from their actual values. In predicting the acidity of persimmon, the sugar RMSE is more than the two factors of firmness and acidity. For this reason, the accuracy of firmness and acidity is higher than sugar. MAPE is 10.11, 20.81, and 6.03 for acidity, firmness, and sugar, respectively. The model for sugar indicates a high difference between the actual values and the predicted values.

artificial neural networks; firmness; persimmon; acidity; sugar

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