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Structure, function and mechanism of edible fungus polysaccharides in human beings chronic diseases


The feasibility of human nutritional supplementation is imperative. As a part of daily diet, edible fungus polysaccharides have a variety of health promoting effects, especially for the prevention of chronic diseases. Based on the extensive collection and collation of relevant research datas, the beneficial effects of edible fungus polysaccharides on various chronic diseases were analyzed, and the structure and functional mechanism of edible fungus polysaccharides with anti-chronic disease properties were summarized in this current review. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the current researchs on edible fungus polysaccharides, it was considered that edible fungus polysaccharides can be used as the material basis of anti-chronic disease drugs. In addition, the relevant contents can also provide some reference for the selection and development of anti-chronic disease drugs.

edible fungus polysaccharides; chronic diseases; mechanism and pathway; active structure

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