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Prediction of moisture transfer parameters for convective drying of shrimp at different pretreatments


By the analytical model proposed by Dincer and Dost, the mass transfer parameters (moisture transfer coefficient and moisture diffusivity) of shrimp samples were determined. Three sets of drying experiments were performed with three samples of shrimp: without boiling (WB), boiled in salt solution (SB) and boiled in salt solution and subjected to liquid smoking process (SBS). The experiments were performed under controlled conditions of drying air at temperature of 60°C and velocity of 1.5 m/s. Experimental dimensionless moisture content data were used to calculate the drying coefficients and lag factors, which were then incorporated into the analytical model for slab and cylinder shapes. The results showed an adequate fit between the experimental data and the values predicted from the correlation. The boiling is the most recommended pretreatment, because provided a shorter drying time, with high values of moisture transfer coefficient and moisture diffusivity.

shrimp drying; mass transfer; heat transfer; mathematical modeling

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