The "multimistura" is a broad distributed product in Brazil, first formulated by Dr. Clara Brandão and introduced by the CNBB (National Conference of Brazil Bishops), Children Pastoral as part of its activities in the health basic attention area. Its formula varies according to local ingredient availability but basically is compounded by non-conventional habitual diet kinds of food, among them are bran, egg shelf powder, dark green leaves and nuts and seeds. It is considered as a nutritional complement used to supply nutritional deficiencies mostly in underweight children. However, a controversy was created due to the real bioavailability of its nutrients and the presence in it of non-nutritional factors. These factors have restricted its use in this way. This research had as an objective measure the mineral composition (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Zn) of various "multimistura" formulations, by the espectrophotometry of atomic absorption, in a way to know its profile as a mineral nutritional complement for children up to five years old. By the results obtained it was seen that, in 80% of the samples, the ash content (fixed mineral rest) was below the minimum value expected in its Technical Rules for Identity Fixation and Quality of Mixtures Based in Cereal Bran. (RDC n. 53, 2000) where, the recommend dose for the "multimistura" in this age range does not signoficantly reache the DRI (Daily Recommended Ingestion). By this way, the formulations studied cannot be used as a nutritional complement for these minerals.
multimistura; alternative food; minerals; nutritional complement