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A pineapple flavor imitation by the note method


Pineapple is an aromatic tropical fruit and has attractive sweet odor. The aroma of pineapple is very popular and pineapple flavor has good prospects for application. Usually, flavor recipes are trade secrets. This paper deals with how to construct a pineapple flavor recipe and how to imitate a pineapple flavor with natural and synthetic aroma ingredients. By smelling and tasting pineapple fruit, the notes of pineapple flavor was identified as fruity note, winy note, vanilla-like note, vegetative note, beany note, sweet note and acidic note. In the light of the notes of pineapple flavor, the corresponding aromatic natural and synthetic ingredients having the same notes were choose to construct a pineapple flavor recipe. On the basis of the olfactory discrimination, the pineapple recipe was modified and adjusted for several times, and finally a desired pineapple flavor recipe was obtained. The blended flavor based on the recipe was harmonious and had typical natural odor characteristics of pineapple fruit.

pineapple; flavor recipe; aroma; imitation; sensory analysis

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