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Apple Fuji quality osmotically concentrated and dehydrated

Physiologically mature and over mature apples, cv. Fuji were sliced in sticks, osmotically concentrated and dehydrated in order to evaluate its physical, chemical and sensorial characteristics. The osmotic concentration was made with syrups at 50% saccharose, corn maltodextrin (Mor-rex 1920) and corn`s glucose (Excell 1040). Both Mor-rex 1920 and Excell 1040 produced by "Refinações de Milho Brasil". The apples sticks were dipped in the syrups for six hours, drained and dehydrated at 70º C to 10% moisture by weight control, and after glass-canned at room temperature. The moisture, total solubles (° Brix), sugars, pH, titable acidity, yield and the acceptance by consumers were evoluated. For the data’s statistical evaluations were evaluations were performed in a randon pattern and the Duncan test (5% probability) for the multiple comparisons. Apples "in nature" composition was similar to that reported in the literature. The components of the syrups were integrated into the dehydrated product composition, changing the physical and chemical characteristics in both stages of maturation. The yield increased in all three treatments; however the best yield was using saccharose. Consumer preference indicates that the saccharose treatment was the best, as they relected the "I like very much" and was independant of apple maturity. The maturation stage did not interfer in the processed products characteristcs.

Apple Fuji; osmotical concentration; dehydration; yield; maltodextrin

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos Av. Brasil, 2880, Caixa Postal 271, 13001-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel.: +55 19 3241.5793, Tel./Fax.: +55 19 3241.0527 - Campinas - SP - Brazil