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Disturbance of potassium iodide solution on nonlinear chemical oscillation system of (NH4)4Ce(SO4)4-NaBrO3-malonic acid


The objective of this paper was to study the effect of potassium iodide solution on nonlinear chemical oscillation system of (NH4)4Ce(SO4)4-NaBrO3-malonic acid in the food safety detection. Taking milk powder and pure water blank samples as tested samples, click the menu to collect data. When oscillation curve went on smoothly to 8 min, potassium iodide solution of different concentration was injected, respectively, and the influence of potassium iodide solution of each concentration on intuitive information and characteristic parameters of the corresponding oscillation spectrum was investigated. The results showed that when the concentration of potassium iodide was higher than 1 × 10-3 mol/L, visual information and some characteristic parameters of nonlinear chemical oscillation spectra of milk powder and pure water blank samples were greatly disturbed, and there was a good linear relationship between oscillatory end time and the concentration of potassium iodide, and correlation coefficient was 0.9902. At the same time, this study provided a reference for the study of disturbance of other components on nonlinear chemical oscillation system in the food safety detection.

potassium iodide; chemical oscillation; disturbance; milk powder

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