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Functional (technological) properties of yeast cellular wall of alcoholic fermentation and its glycan, mannan, and glycoprotein fractions

The objectives of the present work were the fractionation, the chemical characterization and the study of functional (technological) properties of the cell wall (CW) of yeast from alcohol fermentation and the subfractions glycan, mannan and glycoprotein. Fractionation was realized by the physico-chemical processes of extraction, centrifugation and spray drying; chemical characterization, by determination of centesimal composition and the functional properties through well-known techniques. In the cellular wall (CW), predominated protein (19%) and soluble fiber (74%). Glycoprotein presented 35.5% protein and 56% soluble fiber. In the mannnan (M) and soluble glycan (SG), the soluble fiber (70%) was predominant, whereas in the insoluble glycan (IG) predominated the insoluble fiber (70.7%). Solubility of the various fractions in aqueous media ranged from 40% to 100% and was not pH dependent. Soluble glycan showed the highest water retention capacity (14.4 g H2O/g sample) and the higher water solubility indices (WSI) were found for mannan (60%) and for glycoprotein (83.8%). The glycans (soluble and insoluble) presented good gelling properties at 12 and 14% solid concentrations. Glycoprotein, mannan and soluble glycan presented excellent emulsifying capacity (1,500 to 2,000 ml oil/g sample). The glycoprotein and soluble glycan emulsitions were the most stable. Addition of ovalbumin (0.2%) in the emulsifying media increased significantly the cellular wall and soluble glycan emulsifying capacity. It also contributed for the stabilization of the mannan (M) and glycans (IG and SG) emultions.

functional properties; cell wall; glycoprotein; mannan; glycan

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