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Sorption isotherms for fresh and osmotically dehydrated mushrooms

The present paper aimed at obtaining the desorption isotherms of Agaricus blazei mushroom in nature, which suffered osmotic dehydration. The osmotic treatment was carried out at 20ºC with 10% w/w salt solution. The isotherms were obtained for three different temperatures (40, 60 and 80°C) using the static method with saturated salt solutions. Experimental data were fitted by five models (BET, GAB, Halsey, Henderson and Oswin) and two models with the temperature as an independent variable (modified Henderson and Chung-Pfost). The average relative deviations between experimental and predicted data were obtained to choose the best model. The best fitting was obtained when the traditional and modified Henderson models were used.

desorption isotherms; osmotic dehydration; mathematical modeling; water activity; Agaricus blazei mushroom

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