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Tea storage in the supermarket sector

This paper presents the results of a survey conducted in the supermarket sector to evaluate the quality and adequacy of tea packaging and storage areas, considering the current legislation. In addition to providing a general view of tea storage practices, this survey aimed to generate a basic instrument to develop sanitary inspection in this market sector. The data were collected in April 2001 during visits to six supermarkets, when their dry goods department and attached warehouse were inspected. In addition, interviews were held with staff responsible for the aforementioned sectors to clarify and check the storage practices. The overall quality of tea storage was classified as good at four stores and excellent at the other two stores. The warehouses presented good (3) to regular (1) quality. A detailed analysis of the questionnaire indicated that the most frequent problem at the supermarkets and warehouses involved the lack of proper temperature and humidity control (none of the supermarkets had controlled environments). Another frequently mentioned problem had to do with the minimum spacing required. Less frequently reported problems were inadequate cleaning and lighting of storage areas, proximity to toxic products, and type and quality of stacking.

medicinal plants; storage; quality

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