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Comparison of thin layer chromatography and ELISA techniques in the quantification of aflatoxins in corn samples

Two methods, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and thin layer chromatography (TLC) by visual and densitometric, were compared for determination of aflatoxins in corn samples. The highest incidence of total aflatoxin detected by those methods were ranged from 0-30 mug/kg and above 300 mug/kg. For aflatoxins B2, G1, G2 the levels were ranged from 0-30mug/kg. The samples results showed variation coefficient below of 20, 30 and 40% for ELISA and CCD with densitometric and visual quantification, respectively. The correlation coefficients were highly significative for the relation between visual quantification and densitometric (r = 0,9219; t = 28,36; p<0,001), ELISA and visual quantification (r =0,8277; t = 17,58; p< 0,001), ELISA e quantification densitometric (r = 0,7373; t=13,01; p< 0,001), in the total aflatoxin detemination of all corn samples. confirming the equivalence of the studied methods.

Aflatoxin; Thin layer chromatography; ELISA; corn

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