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Assessment of antioxidant activities of HeukHarang a novel Korean Lectuca sativa L.


In this study, antioxidant activities of HeukHarang a novel Korean Lectuca sativa L.extracts compair with Red skirt lettuce. The highest total polyphenol contents was 60% ethanol extracts of HeukHarang and total flavonoid contents was 40% ethanol extracts, 84.70 ± 0.11 mg TAE/10 g DW and 63.82 ± 0.09 mg QE/10 g DW, respectively. The highest FRAP activity and PMA were 60% and 80% ethanol extracts of heuharang, 1,876.3 ± 0.01 mM TEAC/10 g DW and 26.2 ± 0.0 mM AAEAC/10 g DW, respectively. Radical scavenging activity also HeukHarang ethanol extracts was higher than Red skirt lettuce. The highest ORAC value was 76.0 ± 0.43 mM TEAC/10 g DWthehd, 100% ethanol extracts of HeukHarang. As a result, the all antioxidant activities of Heuhalang ethanol extracts were higher than that of Red skirt lettuce as a control.

Lectuca sativa L.; Korean lettuce; antioxidant; ORAC assay; FRAP; PMA

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