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Translingual practices as a decolonial tool to expand cracks


In view of the changes arising from the legislation in the education of deaf people in Brazil, the need for decolonizing and de-encapsulated proposals are needed (Liberali, 2015Liberali, F. C. (2015). Formação crítica de educadores: questões fundamentais. Pontes Editores.) for the education of these subjects. These proposals point to other ways of understanding the teaching-learning process, so that the struggle of the deaf community and earlier achievements can be established and guaranteed. This article aims to collaborate to the talking back (hooks, 2019Hooks, B. (2019). Erguer a voz: pensar como feminista, pensar como negra. Elefante.) of deaf subjects, showing how they can beagents in a trans-language perspective (Garcia, 2017Garcia, O., Johnson, S. I., Seltzer, K., & Valdés, G. (2017). The translanguaging classroom: Leveraging student bilingualism for learning. Caslon.). The context is the education of the Digitmed Program at PUC-SP, in which a group of researchers, educators, and (deaf and hearing) students meet to elaborate proposals to overcome social inequalities. In this sense, they need to have their voices raised, valued and empowered to overcome such inequalities. Translingual practices (Swanwick, 2017Swanwick, R. (2017). Translinguagem, aprendizagem e ensino em educação de surdos. International Journal of Multilingualism, pp. 233-249.), used throughout the process, show how deaf and hearing agents can be educators in an insurgent movement (Walsh, 2019Walsh, C. (2019). Gritos, gretas e semeaduras de vida: Entreteceres do pedagógico e do colonial. In S. R. M. Souza, & L. C. Santos (Org.), Entre-linhas: educação, fenomenologia e insurgência popular (pp. 93-120). EDUFBA.). Trans-language appears as an instrument used by the participants to break down barriers and widen fissures to expand their decolonial conditions of coexistence.

translanguage; talking back; deaf education; fissures; decoloniality

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP PUC-SP - LAEL, Rua Monte Alegre 984, 4B-02, São Paulo, SP 05014-001, Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 3670-8374 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil