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Criminal Governance in Times of Post-Chávez Revolution and Questioned Legitimacy: A Look at Different Territorial Orders and Armed Actors in Caracas1 1 This article is based on a study that we are conducting with Reacin that is supported by the Latin American Program of the Open Society Foundations. We are very thankful to Benjamin Lessing, Carolina Luz and the researchers who are part of this special issue for their valuable comments on the preparation of this article. We are also grateful for the reading and comments from Alejandro Velasco and Michael Reed-Hurtado. We are especially grateful to the anonymous reviewers of this text, whose suggestions contributed to its clarity, and to Ana Beatriz Duarte and Priscila Minussi, for their editing. During the field work, we had much appreciated support from Gabriela Caveda and the organization Caracas Mi Convive. Our special thanks to Neorelis Muñoz, Giorgina Cumarín, Camila Oropeza, Juan Francisco Mejía and Santiago García. We presented this study at the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida. The discussion also enriched our perspective. We are especially grateful to Carlos de la Torre, for having invited us to present this work.


This article compares the configuration of two armed territorial orders and forms of local governance in neo-patrimonial authoritarian contexts in Caracas that suffer from what has been called a “complex humanitarian crisis”. Based on the analysis of ethnographic data, this text dialogues with the concepts of collaborative governance and criminal governance to understand how social control functions locally in an authoritarian context where a political, economic, and humanitarian crisis has restricted the resources and scope of government. The Venezuelan case is especially revealing of processes of mutation in the relations between armed actors and a fragmented state that involve social control functions in their territories in a context of contested legitimacy.

criminal governance; collaborative governance; armed territorial orders; armed despotism

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo de São Francisco de Paula, 1, Sala 109, Cep: 20051-070, Rio de Janeiro - RJ / Brasil , (+55) (21) 3559.1926 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil