Objective: This study aimed to analyze the scientific production of genetic polymorphisms and external apical root resorption (EARR) to establish main findings, geographic trends, and research gaps for possible future investigations.
Methods: Unrestricted publications were searched using the Scopus database (March 2023) to include studies that addressed the association between genetic polymorphisms and EARR. Case-control, cohort, cross-sectional, and review studies were considered eligible. The softwares VOS viewer™ and Bibliometrix were used for data analysis.
Results: Of the 44 studies analyzed, “Iglesias-Linares A” was the most cited author. The University of Seville (Spain) conducted the most research on this topic. Brazil, Spain, and the USA were the leading countries in terms of citations. The most frequent term in the co-occurrence of keywords was “EARR.” The journal American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics presented a great relevance in the area, demonstrating a high number of publications. Several genetic polymorphisms have been investigated, with interleukins being the most studied.
Conclusion: Endodontics is an area of research that should focus more on root resorption and genetic polymorphisms, as it still underexplored, compared to orthodontics. Polymorphisms have been studied as possible predictors of EARR caused by orthodontic tooth movement. However, the gap in the research indicates a need to search for new genes associated with EARR.
Keywords: Genetic polymorphism; Root resorption; External apical root resorption; Bibliometrics
Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou analisar a produção científica sobre polimorfismo genético e reabsorção radicular apical externa (external apical root resorption, EARR) para estabelecer os principais achados, tendências geográficas e lacunas de pesquisa, para possíveis investigações futuras.
Métodos: Foram pesquisadas publicações na base de dados Scopus (março de 2023) para incluir estudos que abordassem a associação entre polimorfismos genéticos e EARR. Foram considerados elegíveis estudos de caso-controle, relatos de caso, coorte, transversais e revisões. Para análise dos dados, foram utilizados os softwares VOS viewer® e Bibliometrix.
Resultados: Dos 44 estudos incluídos, Iglesias-Linares A foi o autor mais citado. A Universidade de Sevilha (Espanha) foi a instituição que mais pesquisou o tema. Brasil, Espanha e EUA foram os principais países em termos de citações. O termo mais frequente na coocorrência das palavras-chave foi EARR. O periódico American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics apresentou grande relevância na área, com vários artigos publicados. Vários polimorfismos genéticos foram investigados, sendo as interleucinas as mais estudadas.
Conclusão: Endodontia é uma área de pesquisa que poderia focar mais no tema reabsorção radicular e polimorfismos genéticos, por ser um assunto ainda pouco explorado, em comparação à Ortodontia. Polimorfismos têm sido estudados como possíveis genes preditores de EARR como consequência da movimentação dentária ortodôntica. No entanto, ainda existe uma lacuna na investigação, indicando a necessidade de procurar novos genes associados à EARR.
Palavras-chave: Polimorfismo genético; Reabsorção radicular; Reabsorção radicular apical externa; Bibliometria
Root resorption is a local physiological process, when it occurs in healthy deciduous teeth; or pathological, when it occurs in damaged permanent and deciduous teeth. Pathological resorption may be a consequence of many factors, such as: traumatic and infectious factors, orthodontic movement and applied forces, impacted teeth, chronic bruxism, and periapical lesions.1
Recognized as a multifactorial process that includes associated genetic factors,2 external apical root resorption (EARR) has been investigated by several dental researchers. Two systematic reviews3,4 showed robust evidence concerning the association between EARR and genetic factors, and other pertinent studies have also demonstrated this association.2-10
Human genetic diversity is characterized by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP).11 Genetic polymorphisms are DNA sequence variations;8,12 currently, individual genomic profiles are evaluated with increasing efficiency, highlighting the pathological predispositions associated with polymorphic genes, such as individual susceptibility to develop EARR due to different stimuli, including orthodontics movement.2-10,12
Expanding the knowledge of EARR is essential for professionals to act coherently and scientifically to diagnose and treat it clinically. Bibliometrics is a quantitative analysis method used in scientific research. The collected data reflect current research trends and help to identify topics for future research for a better understanding of scientific dynamics.13
The objective of this bibliometric review was to analyze the scientific production in the field of genetic polymorphisms and EARR to establish findings, geographic trends and research gaps for possible perspectives for future investigations.
All analyzed data were collected from the Scopus database.14 The search was conducted in March 2023, with no limitations regarding the language or year of publication.
The following search strategy was used in this review: #1((TITLEABSKEY (genetic AND polymorphism)) AND #2 (TITLEABSKEY (root AND resorption)). The terms “external apical root resorption,” “EARR,” “genes,” and “genetics” were tested in the primary search and no difference in the results was observed (i.e., the number of studies included was not influenced by the addition of these words). Therefore, this search key was selected because it was more sensitive to the proposed theme.
All detected studies were saved in the software (Zotero 6.0.18). After that, the eligibility criteria was applied. Case-control, cohort, cross-sectional, and review studies that addressed the association between genetic polymorphisms and EARR were included. Case reports, book chapters, in-vitro and animal studies, and articles that mentioned only bone resorption and not root resorption were excluded. Based on these criteria, two independent reviewers (LHMP and DFSM) selected articles accessed by title and abstract. Studies with unclear abstracts and titles were read in full, to minimize the possibility of disregarding pertinent studies, and the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Articles that generated disagreements between the reviewers were discussed and reviewed by a third author (LAAA), thus reaching an agreement.
The softwares VOS viewer™ (version 1.6.18) for Mac15 and Bibliometrix16 were used for visualizing bibliometric analyses. CSV file containing the citation and bibliographic information, abstract, and keywords was used. The VOS viewer™ software was used to analyze the characteristics of the publications, including the most cited researchers, most relevant affiliations, most cited countries, countries with the highest publication production, co-occurrence of keywords, most cited sources, most relevant authors and most cited documents, resulting in maps and graphs for visualization and interpretation of the data obtained from the analyses. The studied items were grouped into clusters, a set of items included in a map, and labeled using cluster numbers. For easier interpretation, the items were called “nodes”, the links presented between them were referred to as “edges”, and the strength of the links was interpreted as the “edge weight”. Depending on the selected analysis, different nodes represented different terms, and their sizes indicated the number of citations, co-citations, and co-occurrences of keywords. The nodes and lines belonging to the same cluster had the same color. A network visualization map of the most cited researchers, network visualization map of the most cited countries, most cited documents, and timeline of the corresponding publications was generated in the VOS viewer™.
Bibliometrix software is an open-source tool that covers a range of quantitative analyses, favoring the visualization of the results. Maps and graphs were generated, and data matrices were constructed for co-citation, scientific collaboration, and keyword analyses.
The synthesis of relevant narrative data (data extraction) was independently done by two reviewers (LHMP and DFSM). It was presented in detail, and grouped by year of publication. The data of the selected articles were allocated and organized in tables: Table 1 - Description of the selected studies about genetic polymorphisms associated to EARR; Table 2 - sample characteristics of the most cited studies in the field of orthodontics; and Table 3 - analyses of revisions included in the bibliometrics.
A search was conducted, and 45 articles were retrieved from the Scopus database using the search strategy. Considering the eligibility criteria, one article was unrelated to the theme. Finally, 44 publications were retrieved and included in the bibliometric analysis (Fig 1).
Concerning the author’s impact on the subject, approximately 200 researchers among the 44 studies retrieved in the database were identified using the VOS viewer™ software. To increase the level of refinement of the map for citation visualization, the minimum number of citations and publications was defined as 1, and 173 were presented. The research groups formed four clusters: red, yellow, green, and blue. The most expressive of the clusters with the most robust nodes were red, with authors Iglesias-Linares A, Solano Reina E, Mendoza-Mendoza A, Ortiz Ariza E, and Yañez-Vico RM highlighted. Other prominent names in the clusters included Flores-Mir C (yellow cluster), Hartsfield JK (green cluster), Macri JV (blue cluster), and Al-Qawasmi RA (blue cluster) (Fig 2). The size of the nodes in the visualization represents the impact of each researcher’s publications, measured by the number of citations received. The larger the node, the greater the author’s impact and relevance in the research field. The edges of the maps show scientific collaboration between the four clusters independently, where the red cluster is connected to the yellow and green clusters, the green cluster is connected to the red and blue clusters, and the blue and yellow clusters are not connected, showing that there is no co-authorship collaboration in this case.
Research centers related to the topic were identified, with the five most relevant centers being: the University of Seville (Spain), Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (Brazil), University of Coimbra (Portugal), Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) and Masaryk University (Czech Republic) (Fig 3).
Regarding the geographical distribution of citations on the topic, when defined for 1 publication and 1 citation, 22 countries were found, as shown in Figure 4A. Brazil, the USA, Spain, and Germany surpassed with maximal nodes, and consequently, in research on this topic. The margins of collaboration between countries showed a significant link between Brazil and Germany, whereas the USA showed superior collaboration with Spain and Canada. Other independent clusters, including Portugal, China, Iran, the Czech Republic, Poland, South Korea, Sweden, Japan, Slovakia, Indonesia, and Sudan, appeared separately on the map. According to the map, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia cooperate (Fig 4B). To make viewing even easier, the world map created by the Bibliometrix software illustrates the countries that publish the most about the topic. The world map created by the bibliometric software illustrates the countries publishing the most on the topic, to facilitate visualization further. In this map, the darker the shade of blue, the more intense the scientific collaboration within the theme, with the countries shown in navy blue being the most prominent, consistent with the network map explained above.
A) Network visualization map of top countries regarding citation. B) Global visualization map of the countries that search the most on the topic. The darker the shade of blue, the more intense the scientific collaboration within the theme, with the countries shown in navy blue being the most prominent in this area of research as well.
When analyzing the co-occurrence of keywords, we chose to analyze the keywords mentioned in the abstracts. Figure 5 enables the identification of a cloud of relevant words and acronyms. The use of the acronym EARR significantly increased the number of publications. In the field of genetics, the terms “polymorphism”, “rs”, and “gene” were frequent (Fig 5).
In the Figure 5, the acronym “EARR” is more prominent and larger, meaning that it appears a lot in this type of study, and it is crucial to use it if it makes sense for the author’s research. Words of the same color come close to the theme and have a strong connection between them, functioning as clusters, such as “SNPs” and “resorption” or “genetic”, “EARR” and “genotype”.
Some words must appear less expressively in the analyzed cloud of highlighted keywords, such as “IL-B” and “interleukin”, and this reveals interesting insights into the research area. Although less evident, interleukin was the only gene cited as a keyword in the abstracts, suggesting that it is one of the most studied genes within the topic covered.
In the Bibliometrix software, citation indicators are based on measuring the number of citations received by a given publication; therefore, the cutoff point supports the results referring to the impact and number of citations of the articles and becomes an evaluation parameter, by relating the number of scientific publications with the number of citations.16
A total of 20 documents were highlighted based on citation number (Fig 6). The 20 most-cited articles were published between 2003 and 2018. Among these, nine2,5,7-9,12,17-19 investigated the polymorphism in the IL gene polymorphisms as predictors of EARR. Of the 20 articles highlighted, 16 are from the area of orthodontics (15 studies and 1 systematic review) and 4 are from other areas of Dentistry, such as Endodontics. The number of citations varied between 17 and 166 citations per year. Among the most cited documents, the reference “Al-Qawasmi RA et al., 2003”3 led the ranking, with 166 citations. Figure 7 shows the “American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics” (appears with 4 different abbreviations) as the most cited magazine.
The most relevant authors, including the main authors and also co-authors by number of citations for this research topic, are listed in Figure 8. The most relevant authors from the most-cited publications on this topic ranged from two to eight. The graph in Figure 9 shows the primary authors who published on the topic and the timeline of the corresponding publications. It is important to note that the timeline varied from 2008 to 2018, with an increase from 2014 onwards, with the green and yellow clusters standing out due to the number of interconnected nodes and edges. The more robust nodes in purple shades, featuring the author Al-Qawasmi, have a greater volume; this may indicate he was the reference author between 2003 and 2008, and his work probably functioned as a precursor to new research. Iglesias-Linares A, Mendoza-Mendoza A, Solano-Reina E, and Trevilatto PC prevail over others, for publishing much scientific literature in this specific area of knowledge.
Global visualization of the most relevant authors and the timeline of corresponding publications.
Among the most cited articles were the first publications dated 2003,5 followed by stagnation of publications on the subject and subsequent considerable growth in the number of publications between 20096,17,28 and 2018.4
Narrative data synthesis of the 44 included articles2-10,12,17-50 are presented on Tables 1, 2 and 3. Tables 1 and 2, which provide a narrative analysis, were based on genetics and EARR studies, the most cited on orthodontics, and Table 3 presents an analysis of the reviews on the topic included in the selection.
EARR severity was assessed in the upper and lower central incisors and mesial and distal roots of the lower first molars. The analysis indicated that the IL-1B polymorphism was responsible for 15% of the total variation in upper incisor EARR. Only one of the most cited studies investigated the TaqI polymorphism of the vitamin D receptor as a possible predisposing factor for EARR.20 It is important to highlight that genes such as SPP1, P2RX7, TNFRSF11B, TNFRSF11A,17-19 and the osteopontin gene cluster (rs9138 and rs11730582)21 were also highlights of the research among the most cited articles. Another study20 showed that different genetic polymorphisms may indicate the occurrence of EARR in individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment. The IL-1B polymorphism was not associated with an EARR predisposition, but heterogeneity among the study results was significant; however, this remains unexplained. Although IL-1 B is considered a promising gene for predicting EARR in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, better-controlled studies are required to verify this association. People who are homozygous for IL-1B allele 1 have an increased risk of EARR, compared to those who are not homozygous for IL-1 beta allele 1. Defining the genetic contributions to EARR is important for understanding the contribution of environmental factors, such as habits and therapeutic biomechanics (Table 1).
Considering the importance of providing information that may be useful for daily clinical practice and for researchers in the field of Orthodontics, important variables were presented in Table 2, regarding the most cited orthodontic studies, such as: study design, study population, sample size, average age, EARR assessment methods, teeth selected for EARR assessment, orthodontic technique used and Angle classification.
Considering the reviews on the topic, the narrative reviews of the literature highlight a series of genes studied, placing great importance on the study of interleukins.45,46,50 The systematic reviews suggest guidelines and recommendations for future researchers who study genetic polymorphism in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment,4,24 and are not conclusive regarding the association of IL with EARR.3,23 In a meta-analysis, P2RX7 (rs208294) indicated the risk of orthodontic patients for EARR with a very low quality of evidence, according to GRADE3 (Table 3). It is important to highlight that the level of evidence on this topic has increased over the years, culminating in the first systematic review4 publication in 2018. A patterned increase in the number of manuscripts over the years ensures that there will also be an increase in the level of evidence presented.
Dentistry research needs to be constantly updated for clinical practice. Metric studies such as bibliometric reviews allow the analysis of scientific production to obtain results that bring, in addition to quantitative data, possibilities for qualitative and representative analyses of various areas of knowledge.51,52
The practice of evidence-based Dentistry helps highlight the importance of each study design because there is an appropriate delineation capable of answering each clinical question. The main goal is to help clinicians perform more effective, efficient, and predictable treatments and make decisions based on robust scientific evidence and patient behavior. In this case, we noticed the tendency for publications of reviews, concise reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the topic.3,4,23,24,45,46,50 In this bibliometric analysis, we can observe its peculiarities and observe the significant increase in scientific evidence concerning the topic presented over the years.
Before starting a systematic review, one should identify its real need, through the search for secondary studies with the same theme and objective. So a bibliometric analysis presents fundamental importance for to be able to evaluate a general panorama on the subject researched and to visualize the interaction of other studies of their interest, in addition to expanding the possibilities of access to other articles in the area.52
Furthermore, as EARR is unpredictable and depends on multiple factors, it is extremely important to carry out a careful and complete diagnosis through history and periapical radiographic examinations, so that rational mechanotherapy can be planned. This must be accessed based on literature, and bibliometrics can be a quantitative method for accessing existing scientific research.
Regarding collaboration between authors, organizations, and countries, the USA is dominant since most of the high-impact scientific journals are North American; however, the presence of Brazil also indicates that the intellectual production of Brazilian researchers has significant scope in the international scene.
The journals “American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics”, “Oral Diseases”, “The Angle Orthodontist”, and “European Journal of Orthodontics” are of great relevance in the area, demonstrating a high number of publications on the subject and a great impact factor within the literature. Highly productive researchers such as Iglesias-Linares A, Flores-Mir C, Hartsfield J K, and Al-Qawasmi RA formed a group of reference authors.
With scientific mapping, it is also possible to monitor temporal evolution and identify the main authors involved.52 In addition, the notable network of researchers over the years has been less concentrated on just one specific author, as in 2008 and 2009, when studies on polymorphisms and EARR were concentrated on Al-Qawasmi RA5,27 and Bastos Lages.6
In this bibliometric analysis, authors such as Iglesias-Linares A, Flores-Mir C, Hartsfield JK, and Al-Qawasmi RA formed a prominent group in the scientific literature on the subject. The first author to be highlighted is Iglesias-Linares A, and the map of the visualization network shows the author with a large node in the red cluster. However, it is possible to see that the clusters of authors are interconnected subtly, without showing great support or partnerships, suggesting that these studies are concentrated in countries in isolation. It would be interesting for these authors to form partnerships with other leading authors in the field, to cover the research and deepen our knowledge of genetic polymorphisms and EARR. The USA appears in an independent cluster and is very prominent in terms of the number of documents published and cited, but is less prominent in terms of recent impact, which suggests that more recent publications have not yet had enough time to have many citations.
Brazil, the USA, Spain, and Germany are the most prominent countries, highlighted in navy blue on the map. South America and Africa have only been listed as prominent countries only once, which calls into question the conditions of technological advances in genetic studies on these continents. Europe is highly active in the field of genetic studies. Regarding the co-occurrence of keywords, the most prominent words referred to genetics and EARR, with interleukin to a lesser extent, which suggests that research has focused more on the study of these genes and, simultaneously, suggesting that this gene has already been extensively explored.
The database chosen was Scopus, which is the largest database of peer-reviewed literature summaries and citations, with bibliometric tools to track, analyze, and visualize research. However, other databases exist that can be explored, and perhaps those may generate different results.
Furthermore, the number of articles found on the topic was minimal, which could generate research bias. However, it is a subject that is still negligibly explored in different specialties of Dentistry. In this way, bibliometrics has proven to be useful in scientific production in the fields of Genetics and Dentistry.
Most journals with more citations on this topic dealt with Orthodontics. Endodontics is an area of research that can focus more on root resorption and genetic polymorphisms, as they are topics that are still less explored, compared to Orthodontics.
One of the important points that can be observed in this study is the number of genetic studies focusing on interleukin polymorphisms. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis3 discovered, through qualitative analyses, that there are some genes involved in EARR susceptibility due to orthodontic tooth movement. The same study found, in the individual analysis of articles, that interleukins were more strongly associated with EARR; however, in the meta-analyses, by increasing the statistical power by grouping the studies, this finding was not confirmed. This result is consistent with a previous study by Nowrin et al.4, in which it was suggested that the IL-1B polymorphism is not associated with a predisposition to EARR in their meta-analysis. Therefore, the current evidence highlights a gap in the research, suggesting the need for larger multicenter studies to investigate new genes associated with EARR.
Based on the bibliometric analysis, it is concluded that there are still few research groups that explore this topic, with the studies being most explored in Spain, Brazil and the USA. Endodontics is an area of research that could focus more on root resorption and genetic polymorphisms, as it still underexplored compared to Orthodontics. Polymorphisms have been studied as possible predictors of EARR caused by orthodontic tooth movement. However, there is still a gap in research, indicating the need to search for new genes associated with EARR.
- 1 Maués CPR, Nascimento RR, Vilella OV. Severe root resorption resulting from orthodontic treatment: prevalence and risk factors. Dental Press J Orthod. 2015 Jan;20(1):52-8.
- 2 Sharab LY, Morford LA, Dempsey J, Falcão-Alencar G, Mason A, Jacobson E, et al. Genetic and treatment-related risk factors associated with external apical root resorption (EARR) concurrent with orthodontia. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2015 Apr;18(Suppl 1):71-82.
- 3 Pinheiro LHM, Guimarães LS, Antunes LS, Küchler EC, Kirschneck C, Antunes LAA. Genetic variation involved in the risk to external apical root resorption in orthodontic patients: a systematic review. Clin Oral Investig. 2021 Oct;25(10):5613-27.
- 4 Nowrin SA, Jaafar S, Ab Rahman N, Basri R, Alam MK, Shahid F. Association between genetic polymorphisms and external apical root resorption: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean J Orthod. 2018 Nov;48(6):395-404.
- 5 Al-Qawasmi RA, Hartsfield JK, Everett ET, Flury L, Liu L, Foroud TM, et al. Genetic predisposition to external apical root resorption. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003 Mar;123(3):242-52.
- 6 Bastos Lages EM, Drummond AF, Pretti H, Costa FO, Lages EJP, Gontijo AI, et al. Association of functional gene polymorphism IL-1beta in patients with external apical root resorption. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2009 Oct;136(4):542-6.
- 7 Linhartova P, Cernochova P, Izakovicova Holla L. IL1 gene polymorphisms in relation to external apical root resorption concurrent with orthodontia. Oral Dis. 2013 Apr;19(3):262-70.
- 8 Iglesias-Linares A, Yañez-Vico RM, Ballesta S, Ortiz-Ariza E, Mendoza-Mendoza A, Perea E, et al. Interleukin 1 gene cluster SNPs (rs1800587, rs1143634) influences post-orthodontic root resorption in endodontic and their contralateral vital control teeth differently. Int Endod J. 2012 Nov;45(11):1018-26.
- 9 Guo Y, He S, Gu T, Liu Y, Chen S. Genetic and clinical risk factors of root resorption associated with orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2016 Aug;150(2):283-9.
- 10 Castilhos BB, Souza CM, Fontana MLS, Pereira FA, Tanaka OM, Trevilatto PC. Association of clinical variables and polymorphisms in RANKL, RANK, and OPG genes with external apical root resorption. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2019 Apr;155(4):529-42.
- 11 Davidson EH, Rast JP, Oliveri P, Ransick A, Calestani C, Yuh CH, et al. A genomic regulatory network for development. Science. 2002 Mar;295(5560):1669-78.
- 12 Iglesias-Linares A, Yañez-Vico R, Ballesta-Mudarra S, Ortiz-Ariza E, Ortega-Rivera H, Mendoza-Mendoza A, et al. Postorthodontic external root resorption is associated with IL1 receptor antagonist gene variations. Oral Dis. 2012 Mar;18(2):198-205.
- 13 Gao K, Dou Y, Lv M, Zhu Y, Hu S, Ma P. Research hotspots and trends of microRNA in periodontology and dental implantology: a bibliometric analysis. Ann Transl Med. 2021 Jul;9(14):1122.
14 Elsevier. Welcome to Scopus Preview. 2023 [Access 1 Aug 2024]. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/home.uri
» https://www.scopus.com/home.uri -
15 van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Manual for VOSviewer version 1.6.18. Univeristeit Leiden. 2022 [Access 1 Aug 2024]. Available from: https://www.vosviewer.com/documentation/Manual_VOSviewer_1.6.18.pdf
» https://www.vosviewer.com/documentation/Manual_VOSviewer_1.6.18.pdf - 16 Aria M, Cuccurullo C. Bibliometrix: an R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. JOY. 2017 Nov;11(4):959-75.
- 17 Tomoyasu Y, Yamaguchi T, Tajima A, Inoue I, Maki K. External apical root resorption and the interleukin-1B gene polymorphism in the Japanese population. Orthod Waves. 2009 Dec;68(4):152-7.
- 18 Pereira S, Lavado N, Nogueira L, Lopez M, Abreu J, Silva H. Polymorphisms of genes encoding P2X7R, IL-1B, OPG and RANK in orthodontic-induced apical root resorption. Oral Dis. 2014 Oct;20(7):659-67.
- 19 Borilova Linhartova P, Cernochova P, Kastovsky J, Vrankova Z, Sirotkova M, Izakovicova Holla L. Genetic determinants and postorthodontic external apical root resorption in Czech children. Oral Dis. 2017 Jan;23(1):29-35.
- 20 Fontana MLSSN, Souza CM, Bernardino JF, Hoette F, Hoette ML, Thum L, et al. Association analysis of clinical aspects and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism with external apical root resorption in orthodontic patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2012 Sep;142(3):339-47.
- 21 Iglesias-Linares A, Yañez-Vico RM, Moreno-Fernández AM, Mendoza-Mendoza A, Orce-Romero A, Solano-Reina E. Osteopontin gene SNPs (rs9138, rs11730582) mediate susceptibility to external root resorption in orthodontic patients. Oral Dis. 2014 Apr;20(3):307-12.
- 22 Urban D, Mincik J. Monozygotic twins with idiopathic internal root resorption: A case report. Aust Endod J. 2010 Aug;36(2):79-82.
- 23 Wu FL, Wang LY, Huang YQ, Guo WB, Liu CD, Li SG. Interleukin-1ß +3954 polymorphisms and risk of external apical root resorption in orthodontic treatment: a meta-analysis. Genet Mol Res. 2013 Oct;12(4):4678-86.
- 24 Aminoshariae A, Aminoshariae A, Valiathan M, Kulild JC. Association of genetic polymorphism and external apical root resorption. Angle Orthod. 2016 Nov;86(6):1042-9.
- 25 Lee YJ, Pak H, Hwang CJ, Choi YJ, Lee JH, Lee JH, et al. Targeted next-generation sequencing for comprehensive genetic analysis of external apical root resorption during orthodontic treatment with premolar extraction in the Korean population. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2022 Nov;162(5):668-679.e5.
- 26 Rutsch F, MacDougall M, Lu C, Buers I, Mamaeva O, Nitschke Y, et al. A specific IFIH1 gain-of-function mutation causes Singleton-Merten syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 Feb;96(2):275-82.
- 27 Al-Qawasmi RA, Hartsfield JK, Everett ET, Flury L, Liu L, Foroud TM, et al. Genetic predisposition to external apical root resorption in orthodontic patients: linkage of chromosome-18 marker. J Dent Res. 2003 May;82(5):356-60.
- 28 Gülden N, Eggermann T, Zerres K, Beer M, Meinelt A, Diedrich P. Interleukin-1 polymorphisms in relation to external apical root resorption (EARR). J Orofac Orthop. 2009 Jan;70(1):20-38.
- 29 Iglesias-Linares A, Sonnenberg B, Solano B, Yañez-Vico RM, Solano E, Lindauer SJ, et al. Orthodontically induced external apical root resorption in patients treated with fixed appliances vs removable aligners. Angle Orthod. 2017 Jan;87(1):3-10.
- 30 Pettersson M, Bergendal B, Norderyd J, Nilsson D, Anderlid BM, Nordgren A, et al. Further evidence for specific IFIH1 mutation as a cause of Singleton-Merten syndrome with phenotypic heterogeneity. Am J Med Genet A. 2017 May;173(5):1396-9.
- 31 Pereira S, Nogueira L, Canova F, Lopez M, Silva HC. IRAK1 variant is protective for orthodontic-induced external apical root resorption. Oral Dis. 2016 Oct;22(7):658-64.
- 32 Bastos JV, Côrtes MIS, Silva JFC, Goulart EMA, Colosimo EA, Gomez RS, et al. A study of the interleukin-1 gene cluster polymorphisms and inflammatory external root resorption in replanted permanent teeth. Int Endod J. 2015 Sep;48(9):878-87.
- 33 Ciurla A, Marruganti C, Doldo T, Szymanska J. Association between polymorphisms in the IL-1ß, TNFRSF11B, CASP1, and IL-6 genes and orthodontic-induced external apical root resorption. J Clin Med. 2021 Sep;10(18):4166.
- 34 Roskamp L, Trevilatto PC, Souza CM, Silva Neto UX, Carneiro E, Fariniuk LF, et al. Types of external root resorption of replanted teeth: analysis of the clinical aspects and of interleukin-4 gene polymorphisms involvement. J Endod. 2017 Nov;43(11):1792-6.
- 35 Roskamp L, Trevilatto PC, Souza CM, Silva Neto UX, Carneiro E, Fariniuk LF, et al. Analysis of the association of clinical factors and IL4 gene polymorphisms with root resorption in avulsed teeth after 1 year of replantation. Int Endod J. 2018 Jan;51(1):12-9.
- 36 Behnaz M, Mohammad-Rahimi H, Javaheri F, Omrani MD, Noroozi R, Taheri M, et al. The rs1143634 of IL-1ß gene is associated with external apical root resorption in Iranian population. Meta Gene. 2020 Jun;24:100711.
- 37 Ciurla A, Szymanska J, Plachno BJ, Bogucka-Kocka A. Polymorphisms of encoding genes IL1RN and P2RX7 in apical root resorption in patients after orthodontic treatment. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan;22(2):777.
- 38 Iber-Díaz P, Senen-Carramolino R, Iglesias-Linares A, Fernández-Navarro P, Flores-Mir C, Yañez-Vico RM. GWAS of post-orthodontic aggressive external apical root resorption identified multiple putative loci at X-Y chromosomes. J Pers Med. 2020 Oct;10(4):169.
- 39 Roskamp L, Trevilatto PC, Souza CM, Ignácio SA, Lima GD, Pereira TM, et al. The role of polymorphism of the IL6 gene in tooth replantation. Aust Endod J. 2021 Aug;47(2):314-9.
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02 Sept 2024 -
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28 Nov 2023 -
04 Apr 2024