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The use of orthodontic microscrews in the asymmetries correction

INTRODUCTION: The control of anchorage is of crucial importance to the success of the orthodontic treatment, specially in the correction of asymmetries, where it plays a most critical role. The conventional anchorage methods used to treat those types of anomaly are more complex and may cause undesirable movements in the reaction unit, or else, be rejected by the patients due to the esthetic involvement. The use of microscrews as anchorage unit not only nullifies the undesirable side effects, but also simplifies the orthodontic mechanics, provides a greater predictability of the treatment outcome, gives the patient more comfort and better esthetic results, shortens the treatment length, and enables the correction of dental loss cases, since it provides direct anchorage. AIM: To carry out a review of the literature on the treatment of dental asymmetries using titanium orthodontic microscrews as anchorage, illustrating it with some clinical cases.

Microscrews; Mini-implants; Orthodontic anchorage procedures; Facial asymmetry

Dental Press Editora Av. Euclides da Cunha nº. 1718 - Zona 5, 87015-180 Maringá-PR-Brasil, Tel.: (44) 3031-9818, Fax: (44) 3262-2425 - Maringá - PR - Brazil