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The mini-implants acceptance rate by patients in orthodontic treatments: a preliminary study

OBJECTIVE: Actually, mini-implants as anchorage resources have been spotlight in Orthodontics, providing maximum anchorage with minimum patient's cooperation. However, there are still some restrictions regarding the use of these temporary anchorage devices, and among these, the psychological aspects and the patient's acceptance, which still not properly evaluated. METHODS: Ten adults patients, with Class I biprotrusion malocclusion, that were submitted to orthodontic treatment with the implantation of four mini-implants, in the dental arches, among upper and lower first molar and second premolar teeth, in a total of 40 mini-implants, answered a questionnaire elaborated to evaluate the acceptance conditions of mini-implants by this patients. RESULTS: The answers obtained from the questionnaires were transformed in percentage and indicated that: most patients accepted quickly the procedure (90%); with some preoccupation with the surgical procedures (50%); 50% related no discomfort; on average they tolerated the mini-implants in 3 days; 90% were satisfied with the treatment; and 90% would recommend the treatment to others patients. Most patients tolerated mini-implant during all time of the orthodontic treatment. CONCLUSIONS: According to the results obtained with the present evaluation, it can be concluded that the mini-implants acceptance was very prominent by the patients. Larger samples´ studies are necessary.

Orthodontics; Mini-implants; Patient's acceptance

Dental Press Editora Av. Euclides da Cunha nº. 1718 - Zona 5, 87015-180 Maringá-PR-Brasil, Tel.: (44) 3031-9818, Fax: (44) 3262-2425 - Maringá - PR - Brazil