Open-access A água como elemento de integração transfronteiriça: o caso da Bacia Hidrográfica Mirim-São Gonçalo


This text presents the environmental and socioeconomic context of the Mirim-São Gonçalo hydrographic basin and the political aspects of its cross-border nature. Pioneering institutional and legal frameworks for shared management of this water resource are also illustrated, as expressed by the creation of the Mixed Brazilian-Uruguayan Commission for the Use of the Mirim Lagoon Basin (CLM) and the signature of the Mirim Lagoon Basin Treaty. Finally, the article presents the Agency for the Development of Mirim Lagoon (ALM), a public player active in the region, and how its performance can strengthen the existing management model by promoting and enhancing coordination with other public players and civil society.

KEYWORDS: Mirim-São Gonçalo Basin; Shared management; International waters; Brazil; Uruguay

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