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Race, ethnicity and origin in the USA, France, Canada and Great Britain censuses

This work’s purpose is to briefly show how populations from four countries, which differ from how they were formed in terms of people, are classified by race and ethnicity in the census. It is important to emphasize that in Latin America even the countries which have received a considerable number of Africans because of the colonial traffic, besides their own inhabitants within the territory, which present a history of a miscegenation process, do not register the color topics neither the ethnic origin of their populations. The two exceptions are the cases of Colombia and Uruguay, the first one seems to be doing a research using specific samples about color, and the second is trying to estimate the ethnic origin of the population from the urban areas. We have to notice that this survey has been benefited from the Internet by accessing pages about statistical institutes from these countries, about research institutes and universities. In particular, that was how copies from different census’s questionnaires were gotten.

race; ethnicity; census; color

Universidade Cândido Mendes Praça Pio X, 7 - 7o. andar - Centro, 20040-020 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 2516-2916 , Fax: +55 21 5516-3072 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil