The objective of this study was to characterize the energy consumption in the deployment and conduction of the culture of Crambe abyssinica Hochst in no-tillage, at the Experimental Farm belonging to the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences - UNESP, located in Botucatu - SP, Brazil. Assessing the sustainability of the system were estimated, energy efficiency and culture of crambe. To survey the components of the structure of expenditures, it was used Energetic coefficients in specialized literature. The structures of energy expenditure by type, source and form, demonstrated that the indirect energy participated with 65.03%, industrial sources, fossil and biological accounted for 68.80%, 23.67% and 11.30%, respectively. The forms have been introduced; chemical fertilizers contributed 44.31% and diesel to 23.04% to 67.35% of energy expenditure, showing the dependence of the system of energy sources and industrial fuels. The efficiency of the culture was found to be 9.98, indicating that for each calorie used in the production of crambe return was 8.98 units, the efficiency was above 38, demonstrating the high sustainability of the agricultural system to reach energy cultural exceeding 37 thousand MJ ha-1.
energetic efficiency; raw materials of biodiesel; biofuels