This research aimed to quantify the characteristics of the productive response of pullets from two distinct genetic strains in multi setter incubator. For this three batches of fertile eggs were monitored in a commercial incubator verifying the impact of the following environmental variables: temperature, air velocity, relative humidity, carbon dioxide concentration and presence of fungi. The follow up was done in three flocks of broiler pullets from two commercial genetic strains (Cobb® and Avian®) also along with the data of losses. The principal components analysis was used for associating the variables of environment, production and losses by observing the magnitude of the vectors. Results showed that the environment of incubation influenced the performance (quality, incidence of abnormalities and mortality) of the two broiler's strains. Both strains presented productive losses related to low temperature inside the incubator and in the hatchery showing that incubation temperature is the most important factor for reaching ideal productive index.
poultry; incubation; environment