Viscoelastic characteristics of raw cashew nut shell hinder its decortication by compression. In order to facilitate the shell opening and to liberate the kernel, nuts were subjected to hydration and thermal treatment in cashew nut shell liquid (CSL) at 210 ºC. With the objective of developing more appropriate shelling mechanisms the cashew nut 'CCP 76' was characterized by its main dimensions, mass and volume, as well as mechanical behavior of the endocarp and kernel, prior and after thermal treatments. The treatments consisted in submitting the nuts to several combinations of hydration and thermal treatment times. The response surface methodology was applied to identify the best treatment. Specially built devices were used for manual opening of the cashew nut, shear of the endocarp and penetration of the kernel. Changes were observed in the dimensions, length, width, and thickness as well as in mass and volume values prior and after treatments. Results of endocarp shear and kernel stiffness tests pointed out differences between raw and treated nuts. Changes in dimensions, mass, and volume pointed out to performing sizing after thermal treatments if dimensions are relevant in shelling. The response surface methodology indicated that the treatment comprising 79 h hydration and 165 s of residence in CSL at 210 ºC was the closest to the optimum region.
Anacardium ocidentale; viscoelasticity; mechanical properties