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Profile of men who commit violence against women who are arrested in delicto flagrante: contributions to confronting the phenomenon


To outline the profile of aggressors arrested in delicto flagrante, and of the violence against women during the period of the implantation and consolidation of the Maria da Penha Law* * This law increased the penalties for domestic violence, prohibits alternative sentences, and provides for measures which include removing the offender from the residence and banning him from approaching the victim. Translator's note. in a municipality in the central region of the state of Paraná.


Retrospective documental research undertaken through considering 130 Warrants of Imprisonment, analyzed by descriptive statistics.


The men were young adult males, married, with low educational levels and undertaking paid work. 89.3% were released on bail. Most were husbands, who committed violence under the influence of alcohol. A significant number already had other records of domestic violence.


The denunciation, as an action in isolation, was shown to be insufficient to break the cycle of violence. It is therefore necessary to direct actions beyond denunciation, through implanting actions for confrontation of this phenomenon, articulated between the health, education, security, justice and social work sectors, geared towards gender equality and a culture of peace.

Men; Violence against women; Domestic Violence

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil