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Environmental education in teaching-service-community integration practices: application of educational technologies in the waiting room



to analyze the potential of the waiting room in Primary Health Care for environmental education in teaching-service-community practices through educational technologies.


a descriptive exploratory study, with a qualitative approach and documentary basis. Data collection occurred in December 2023, at a federal higher education institution in northern Brazil, including records of mandatory curricular activity and final monitoring report, which were submitted to content analysis in order to identify the documents relevant to coding, from which three categories emerged.


the data pointed out as potential: sharing of information among users, professionals, and students; improvement of cognitive skills; and user health and awareness promotion about environmental issues. The program offered for teaching qualification, in the sense of training for the Brazilian Health System, proved to be a tool for boosting interprofessional education.

Conclusions and implications for practice

the study can contribute to identifying potential of the waiting room in teaching and learning about environmental education. It enables health training strategies from the perspective of education, health, and the environment.

Educational Technology; Environmental Health Education; Nursing; Primary Health Care; Unified Health System



analisar as potencialidades da sala de espera na Atenção Primária à Saúde para educação ambiental nas práticas de integração ensino-serviço-comunidade por meio de tecnologias educacionais.


estudo exploratório descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa e de base documental. A coleta de dados ocorreu em dezembro de 2023, em uma instituição de ensino superior federal da região Norte do Brasil, incluindo os registros de atividade curricular obrigatória e o relatório final de monitoria, que foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, a fim de identificar os documentos pertinentes à codificação dos quais emergiram três categorias.


os dados apontaram como potencialidades: compartilhamento de informações entre usuários, profissionais e estudantes; aprimoramento de habilidades cognitivas; e promoção da saúde e sensibilização dos usuários sobre questões ambientais. O programa ofertado para qualificação do ensino, no sentido de formação para o Sistema Único de Saúde, mostrou-se uma ferramenta de impulso à educação interprofissional.

Conclusões e implicações para a prática

o estudo pode contribuir para a identificação de potencialidades da sala de espera no ensino e na aprendizagem sobre educação ambiental. Viabiliza estratégias de formação em saúde na perspectiva da educação, da saúde e do meio ambiente.

Atenção Primária à Saúde; Educação em Saúde Ambiental; Enfermagem; Sistema Único de Saúde; Tecnologia educacional



analizar las potencialidades de la sala de espera en la Atención Primaria de Salud para la educación ambiental en las prácticas de integración enseñanza-servicio-comunidad mediante tecnologías educativas.


estudio exploratorio descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo y base documental. La recogida de datos se realizó en diciembre de 2023, en una institución de educación superior federal de la región Norte de Brasil, incluyendo los registros de actividad curricular obligatoria y el informe final de monitoreo, que fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido, con el fin de identificar los documentos relevantes para la codificación de donde surgieron tres categorías.


los datos señalaron como potencialidades: el compartimiento de información entre usuarios, profesionales y estudiantes; la mejora de habilidades cognitivas; y la promoción de salud y sensibilización de los usuarios sobre cuestiones ambientales. El programa ofrecido para la cualificación de la enseñanza, en sentido de formación para el Sistema Único de Salud, se mostró como una herramienta de impulso a la educación interprofesional.

Conclusiones e implicaciones para la práctica

el estudio puede contribuir a la identificación de potencialidades de la sala de espera en la enseñanza y aprendizaje sobre educación ambiental. Viabiliza estrategias de formación en salud desde las perspectivas de la educación, la salud y el medio ambiente.

Palabras clave:
Atención Primaria de Salud; Educación en Salud Ambiental; Enfermería; Sistema Único de Salud; Tecnología Educacional


Environmental education (EE) is a set of activities that aims to promote awareness and critical discussion on environmental issues, provided for in Brazilian Law 9.795/1999, which establishes EE as an essential public policy, ensuring its insertion in different educational levels and sectors of society.11 Resolução nº 2, de 15 de junho de 2012 (BR). Estabelece as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Ambiental. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília (DF), 18 jun 2012: Seção 1: 70. This constitutes an effective strategy to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility in various areas of society, such as education, corporate, community and government,22 Gomes YL, Saheb Pedroso D, Gureski Rodrigues D, Andrade de Jesus Lelis D. Abordagens pedagógicas em Educação Ambiental: uma revisão sistemática. Rev Bras Estud Pedagogicos. 2023;104:e5221.
and to promote health.33 Santana KFS, Machado LDS, Machado MFAS, Dias MDSA, Silva LMSD, Lopes MDSV. Competences in health promotion in the environmental education practices of community health agents. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2021;42:e20200053. PMid:33566950.

In the educational field, in addition to curricular insertion in schools and universities, there is also the implementation of practical activities and field projects and the promotion of a culture of respect for the environment.22 Gomes YL, Saheb Pedroso D, Gureski Rodrigues D, Andrade de Jesus Lelis D. Abordagens pedagógicas em Educação Ambiental: uma revisão sistemática. Rev Bras Estud Pedagogicos. 2023;104:e5221.
Discussions on EE and training should consider technical knowledge22 Gomes YL, Saheb Pedroso D, Gureski Rodrigues D, Andrade de Jesus Lelis D. Abordagens pedagógicas em Educação Ambiental: uma revisão sistemática. Rev Bras Estud Pedagogicos. 2023;104:e5221.
,33 Santana KFS, Machado LDS, Machado MFAS, Dias MDSA, Silva LMSD, Lopes MDSV. Competences in health promotion in the environmental education practices of community health agents. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2021;42:e20200053. PMid:33566950.
and the construction of values, skills, attitudes and competencies aimed at conserving and improving the environment.33 Santana KFS, Machado LDS, Machado MFAS, Dias MDSA, Silva LMSD, Lopes MDSV. Competences in health promotion in the environmental education practices of community health agents. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2021;42:e20200053. PMid:33566950.

In this context, nursing is a key agent within the scope of Primary Health Care (PHC) of the Brazilian Healthcare system (SUS - Sistema Único de Saúde), capable of carrying out care and prevention actions related to environmental issues,33 Santana KFS, Machado LDS, Machado MFAS, Dias MDSA, Silva LMSD, Lopes MDSV. Competences in health promotion in the environmental education practices of community health agents. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2021;42:e20200053. PMid:33566950.
through educational, collaborative and equitable practices, as established in the Brazilian National Curricular Guidelines (DCN – Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais). These point to the need for training that incorporates respect for diversity and interdisciplinarity as well as a commitment to ethics, citizenship and access to health, which includes emerging themes and points out opportunities for developing socio-environmental, interdisciplinary and interprofessional practices.44 Branco JC, Batista NA, Thomaz SMT. Socio-environmental Health in primary care: knowledge, training and practice. Saúde Debate. 2022;46(134):734-49.

As a potential spatial resource in PHC, there is the waiting room,55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11.

6 Grossman E, Bteshe M, Montovani EH, Nogueira ACR, Santos WA, Soares AAD et al. Análise de narrativas produzidas por estudantes de Medicina por meio da distribuição de pílulas literárias em uma sala de espera. Interface. 2021;25:e210149.

7 Hafemann EA, Nunes CRO. Percepções de usuários da atenção primária sobre a ambiência da sala de espera. Rev Aten Saúde. 2023;21:e20238966.
-88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.
where it is possible to implement educational actions,55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11.,88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.
given that it constitutes a strategic space in which professionals can carry out different health education themes, with attention to the population’s particularities and health vulnerabilities associated with their territory and culture,99 Moniz MA, Daher DV, Sabóia VM, Ribeiro CRB. Environmental health: emancipatory care challenges and possibilities by the nurse. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73(3):e20180478. PMid:32267415.
encouraging interprofessionalism and society participation.88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.

Therefore, integration constitutes a potential strategy to address EE issues,11 Resolução nº 2, de 15 de junho de 2012 (BR). Estabelece as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Ambiental. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília (DF), 18 jun 2012: Seção 1: 70.,22 Gomes YL, Saheb Pedroso D, Gureski Rodrigues D, Andrade de Jesus Lelis D. Abordagens pedagógicas em Educação Ambiental: uma revisão sistemática. Rev Bras Estud Pedagogicos. 2023;104:e5221.
such as solid waste management, which involves involvement of individual and collective care. In this scenario, professional training33 Santana KFS, Machado LDS, Machado MFAS, Dias MDSA, Silva LMSD, Lopes MDSV. Competences in health promotion in the environmental education practices of community health agents. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2021;42:e20200053. PMid:33566950.
,99 Moniz MA, Daher DV, Sabóia VM, Ribeiro CRB. Environmental health: emancipatory care challenges and possibilities by the nurse. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73(3):e20180478. PMid:32267415.
,1010 Gadelha MMT, Andrade ME, Silva JMA, Bezerra ICB, Carmo AP, Fernandes MC. Educational technologies in the training process: discourse of Nursing academics. Rev Enferm UFPE on line. 2019;13(1):155-61.
should encourage strategies that help to use planned spaces to carry out health actions within services,55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11.,88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.
encouraging the development of skills and training for SUS.88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.
,99 Moniz MA, Daher DV, Sabóia VM, Ribeiro CRB. Environmental health: emancipatory care challenges and possibilities by the nurse. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73(3):e20180478. PMid:32267415.

From this perspective, the processes involved in educational technology (ET) production, including teaching-learning processes, play an important role in communication, technological, educational and team management skills.55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11. Furthermore, this encourages education and learning through research through critical and reflective exercises1111 Silva IR, Ventura CAA, Costa LDS, Silva MMD, Silva TPD, Mendes IAC. Knowledge management: connections for teaching research in undergraduate nursing. Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(Suppl 6):e20201295. PMid:34406265.
demanded by these dynamics, such as associations with active methodologies,1212 Souza LCO, Assis CM. Uso de novas tecnologias para educação ambiental em prol da gestão dos resíduos sólidos recicláveis em Belo Horizonte/MG (vem reciclar). Rev Gest Sust Ambient. 2020;9:1021-39.
,1313 Farinha AL, Jaeger FP, Marchiori MRCT, Budel LJ, Colomé JS. Interprofessional education in teaching-service-community integration practices: perspectives of professors in the health area. Esc Anna Nery. 2023;27:e20220212.
regionalities and relationships with global indicators, considering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for instance.

Thus, observing the need for a movement to strengthen SUS,1313 Farinha AL, Jaeger FP, Marchiori MRCT, Budel LJ, Colomé JS. Interprofessional education in teaching-service-community integration practices: perspectives of professors in the health area. Esc Anna Nery. 2023;27:e20220212.
,1414 Mattia BJ, Teo CRPA, Alves SM. Por uma pedagogia para a formação profissional para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): diálogos com Freire e Saviani. Interface. 2023;27:e220317.
the role of public higher education institutions (HEIs) in communities around them, qualified training and indicators of DCN for inclusive, equitable training that observes global demands,1515 Furtado JP, Comparato BK, Reis AAC, Nakano AK, Souza LR. Participação e diversidade - a construção inclusiva e pluriepistêmica da Saúde Global. Cienc Saúde Colet. 2022;27(11):4085-90. such as the commitment of the planet and the environment in view of achieving the SDGs, and themes that need to be discussed more, such as food security, sustainable cities and EE,1616 Antunes MD, Andreazzi MA, Bertolini SMMG, Milani RG. Saúde e desenvolvimento sustentável: uma análise da convergência das publicações científicas. RevBEA. 2020;15(5):304-19.
the question emerged: how can public healthcare service spaces, such as the waiting room, have the potential to foster discussions on EE? To answer this question, the present study aimed to analyze the capacity of the waiting room in PHC for EE in teaching-service-community integration practices through educational technologies.


This is a documentary, exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach.1717 Lima Jr EB, Oliveira GS, Santos ACO, Schnekenberg GF. Análise documental como percurso metodológico na pesquisa qualitativa. Cad FUCAMP [Internet]. 2021; [citado 2024 maio29];20(44):36-51. Disponível em:
Documentary-based research involves exploring primary sources, which have not undergone interventions, constituting elementary sources for resolving relevant issues, such as training in higher education, following the COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research (COREQ).

The research was developed at a federal public HEI in northern Brazil, which has a program entitled “Undergraduate Education Qualification Support Program (PGRAD - Programa de Apoio à Qualificação do Ensino de Graduação)”, Monitoring Subprogram, held since 2019, whose notice aims to leverage student participation in developing monitoring actions that aim at both academic-professional improvement and qualification of curricular activities of undergraduate courses through the proposal of innovative strategies. Professor and student monitor participation occurred through selection by public notices, offered every six months, which are structured over five months and linked to professors’ curricular activities or their areas of activity. In this study, notices of actions related to the curricular activity Educational Processes in Health and Nursing (EPHN) were highlighted, which has a 120-hour workload, distributed in 45 hours for theory, 45 hours for practice and 30 hours for curricular extension.

The HEI has an agreement with the Municipal Health Department (SESMA - Secretaria Municipal de Saúde) of Belém (PA), through the Health Unit (HU) of Guamá, neighborhood, characterized by providing outpatient care through SUS and by having, in its physical facilities, a space called the Human Skills Laboratory (LHH), where practical classes for nursing and medical courses are held. In this HU, considering PHC coverage, the following services are offered: general clinical care; pediatrics; gynecology; dermatology; pulmonology; nursing consultations; prenatal care; heel prick test; vaccination; tuberculosis and leprosy tests; preventive cervical exam; and care for users with hypertension and diabetes through the HIPERDIA program.

The data sources for the studies were the EPHN teaching plan, the PGRAD final monitoring report and educational plans of four groups, from which assessment instruments and supporting documents from professors and EPHN were used. Partial reports from monitors and documents from other groups not assessed by professors were excluded.

Data collection took place in December 2023, in person and remotely, with the help of email, Google Drive® and WhatsApp®. To identify and organize the data, the researchers prepared an observation script, listing the points as follows: registered documents; developed flows; and themes addressed. Collection was carried out by the main researcher, under the guidance of a researcher with extensive experience in exploratory documentary examinations.

Data assessment was carried out through content analysis, which involves pre-analysis, material exploration, and processing and interpretation of results, in order to identify documents relevant to coding.1818 Paiva BA, Oliveira GS, Hillesheim MCP. Análise de conteúdo: uma técnica de pesquisa qualitativa. Rev Pris [Internet]. 2021; [citado 2024 maio29];2(1):16-33. Disponível em:
Through reading and systematizing the data, three categories and axes of appreciation related to the action in content analysis emerged. To present the recording and context units, maps, flowcharts and tables were constructed, seeking to establish relationships between the units identified in the developed processes, which generated three categories, discussed based on Paulo Freire’s assumptions, aligned with the principles contained in the works Pedagogia do oprimido and Educação como prática da liberdade, reflecting an emancipatory educational approach.1919 Menezes MG, Santiago ME. Contribuição do pensamento de Paulo Freire para o paradigma curricular crítico-emancipatório. Pro-Posições. 2014;25(3):45-62.

Documentation is available on the college’s website and on the website of the Office of the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies. Regarding data collection using email and WhatsApp®, this was carried out by the authors to carry out the study stages, which was supported by these devices. Thus, it is confirmed that they were used by the curricular activity as a pedagogical support mechanism for the purposes of skills training and teaching educational processes.

In these terms, the study was not submitted to an ethics committee, since, firstly, it used publicly accessible documents, and secondly, it falls within the sole paragraph: they will not be registered or assessed by REC/CONEP Resolution 510 of April 7, 2016, item VIII, activity carried out exclusively for the purpose of education, teaching or training without the purpose of scientific research of undergraduate students, vocational students or professionals in specialization.


As mentioned, from data analysis, three categories emerged: Methodological strategies produced from teaching about environmental education; Use of spaces within the Brazilian Healthcare system for environmental education; and Establishment of pedagogical practices for using educational technologies in teaching-service-community integration (Chart 1).

Chart 1
Analysis categories.

Category 1 - Methodological strategies produced from teaching about environmental education

In this category, it was possible to identify that the problem-based learning (PBL)2020 Carbogim FC, Oliveira LB, Mendonça ÉT, Marques DA, Friedrich DBC, Püschel VAA. Teaching critical thinking skills through problem based learning. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2017;26(4):e1180017. methodology was used as a critical professional training strategy, capable of intervening in environmental issues to improve the population’s quality of life, using two elements of SUS health policies: innovation and leading role. This category points to two paths for skills training: recognition of the population’s individual and collective health needs; and organization of educational processes. Thus, technologies were developed that consider interdisciplinary collaboration to gather knowledge, make situational diagnoses and assess processes.

Figure 1 presents the strategies adopted in this methodological path to achieve the notice objectives, considering the targets of the curricular activity guided by PBL.2020 Carbogim FC, Oliveira LB, Mendonça ÉT, Marques DA, Friedrich DBC, Püschel VAA. Teaching critical thinking skills through problem based learning. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2017;26(4):e1180017.

Figure 1
Mind map of strategies for insights between professors, monitors and objectives of curricular activity based on problem-based learning.

The mind map developed in this study focuses on EE, emphasizing its importance in the context of health. At the first level, the vital role of professors stands out, which involves identifying individual and collective health needs, organizing the educational process, in order to create ET adapted to different social groups. This approach is complemented by specific objectives of the curricular activity, which seek to align EE with identified health needs. At the second level, the focus is on the role of monitors, including support for implementing educational activities, monitoring and assessment of learning processes as well as contributing to the adaptation of activities to students’ needs. However, PGRAD is integrated into this scheme as an element that reinforces the quality of health education, conforming and complementing the teaching plan objectives. The map therefore reflects an integrated strategy, in which PBL2020 Carbogim FC, Oliveira LB, Mendonça ÉT, Marques DA, Friedrich DBC, Püschel VAA. Teaching critical thinking skills through problem based learning. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2017;26(4):e1180017. is used as a methodology to promote more effective health education that is more responsive to students’ and the community’s needs.

Category 2 - Use of spaces within the Brazilian Healthcare system for environmental education

In this category, it was possible to demonstrate that the waiting room is one of the opportune spaces of SUS for educational actions on the environment, enabling teaching-service-community interaction among different audiences, genders and age groups dynamic there (Figure 2).

Figure 2
Flowchart of pedagogical intention for teaching-service-community integration through environmental education.

In the first point of our analysis, we observed teaching-service-community integration involving universities, Municipal Health Units and users. This interconnection provides a solid basis for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, enriching the educational process, which is essential to improving cognitive functions, such as memory, understanding and application. Moving on to the second point, using the waiting room as a learning environment is highlighted, which enhances cognitive functions of attention and perception.

The third point focuses on using reinforcement equipment and the detailing of the role of EE, incorporating specific methods and approaches, in which cognitive functions of analysis and synthesis are fundamental. In the fourth point, awareness emerges as a central objective, highlighting the importance of the functions of reflection and critical assessment. Finally, the fifth point describes implementation models based on strategies such as workshops, interactive lectures and informative materials, in folder or leaflet format, which present illustrations and texts in a conversational style, with the aim of addressing concepts, signs, symptoms, ways of preventing diseases and methods of correct disposal of solid waste adapted to the characteristics of waiting room audiences, essential to effectively apply learned EE concepts and practices, meeting creativity and problem-solving.

Category 3 - Establishment of pedagogical practices for using educational technologies in teaching-service-community integration

This category highlights teaching, service and community integration as a fundamental pillar in training healthcare professionals for SUS. It is integrated with the skills and competencies of students in health education contexts and in the application of innovative pedagogical practices. In this scenario, using ET allows us to respond to the regional health needs of communities, providing strategically planned interventions. In particular, spaces such as waiting rooms in public healthcare services have potential for interactive learning, and ET can be effectively used to provoke discussions and raise awareness about environmental issues, taking advantage of the diverse flow of individuals and transforming these spaces into dynamic and engaging learning centers. Chart 2 presents the ET constructed by students and their forms of operationalization.

Chart 2
Educational technologies developed during the curricular activity.

Chart 2 presents the association between keywords, typologies and resources used by students that can be understood in the learning process. Figure 3 shows an educational process structured in several stages, reflecting a PBL approach applied to the context of healthcare services. Initially, there is a teaching plan in which concepts and strategies are developed in collaboration with monitors and students.

Figure 3
Flowchart of teaching-service-community integration practices.

Subsequently, there is the practical application of the teaching tools produced in the waiting room, at which point educational strategies are implemented. After this phase, a new application takes place, allowing the review and improvement of the initial tactics. The final stage consists of a comprehensive assessment, in which feedback is used to further refine the educational process.

During planning, cognitive functions such as memory, attention and logical reasoning are activated to organize and structure teaching. In the implementation phase, perception and information processing are essential for effective interaction with students in the waiting room. Assessment and improvement involve higher cognitive functions such as critical analysis, reflection and decision-making. This ongoing process encourages the development and improvement of cognitive functions, reinforcing capacities for adaptation, problem-solving and learning in health contexts throughout life.


Interdisciplinarity and interprofessionalism1313 Farinha AL, Jaeger FP, Marchiori MRCT, Budel LJ, Colomé JS. Interprofessional education in teaching-service-community integration practices: perspectives of professors in the health area. Esc Anna Nery. 2023;27:e20220212.
underpin the work among professionals from different areas of knowledge, who integrate different knowledge and specialized care, as well as providing the connection of professional health practices.88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.
,1313 Farinha AL, Jaeger FP, Marchiori MRCT, Budel LJ, Colomé JS. Interprofessional education in teaching-service-community integration practices: perspectives of professors in the health area. Esc Anna Nery. 2023;27:e20220212.
In this regard, in the service, these aspects collaborate to promote emerging discussions that, in the short term, deal with events surrounding the environmental theme and, in the medium and long term, imply decision-making. Therefore, the waiting room shows itself to be a potential space55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11. to address holistically health and the environment.22 Gomes YL, Saheb Pedroso D, Gureski Rodrigues D, Andrade de Jesus Lelis D. Abordagens pedagógicas em Educação Ambiental: uma revisão sistemática. Rev Bras Estud Pedagogicos. 2023;104:e5221.
,2626 Lima SB, Oliveira AL. Educação Ambiental e cidadania por meio da educação formal. RevBEA. 2022;17(6):420-39.

In this regard, the activities developed in a timely manner by teaching-service-community integration1313 Farinha AL, Jaeger FP, Marchiori MRCT, Budel LJ, Colomé JS. Interprofessional education in teaching-service-community integration practices: perspectives of professors in the health area. Esc Anna Nery. 2023;27:e20220212.
are suitable for inserting students in the service, with the purpose of developing skills, through theories and public policies, in PHC.55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11. This can occur through educational practices, with the aim of training planning, organization, teamwork and leadership.55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11.,66 Grossman E, Bteshe M, Montovani EH, Nogueira ACR, Santos WA, Soares AAD et al. Análise de narrativas produzidas por estudantes de Medicina por meio da distribuição de pílulas literárias em uma sala de espera. Interface. 2021;25:e210149.
,88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.

This practice dialogues with creative and innovative pedagogical strategies, which are implemented and oriented towards student leading role.55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11. Furthermore, this strategy enables direct training for monitors involved in learning associated with the correlation between health education and nursing, organization of the educational process, development of educational technologies and development of educational practices aligned with educational and health policies.1313 Farinha AL, Jaeger FP, Marchiori MRCT, Budel LJ, Colomé JS. Interprofessional education in teaching-service-community integration practices: perspectives of professors in the health area. Esc Anna Nery. 2023;27:e20220212.
,1414 Mattia BJ, Teo CRPA, Alves SM. Por uma pedagogia para a formação profissional para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): diálogos com Freire e Saviani. Interface. 2023;27:e220317.

In this context, PBL2020 Carbogim FC, Oliveira LB, Mendonça ÉT, Marques DA, Friedrich DBC, Püschel VAA. Teaching critical thinking skills through problem based learning. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2017;26(4):e1180017. is fundamental because, by providing opportunities for critical and reflective investigation of health problems, helps students identify individual and collective needs in a given territory,77 Hafemann EA, Nunes CRO. Percepções de usuários da atenção primária sobre a ambiência da sala de espera. Rev Aten Saúde. 2023;21:e20238966.,88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.
aligned with an action. Therefore, professors and monitors can think of strategies aimed, initially, at studying concepts, such as EE, and, later, develop collaborative activities, in which students can practice other skills,1010 Gadelha MMT, Andrade ME, Silva JMA, Bezerra ICB, Carmo AP, Fernandes MC. Educational technologies in the training process: discourse of Nursing academics. Rev Enferm UFPE on line. 2019;13(1):155-61.
such as using digital resources. Likewise, this is an opportunity to discuss the different strategies to reach multiple social groups and their peculiarities.55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11.,88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.

It is noted that the incorporation of these technologies into the integration strategy encourages learning1010 Gadelha MMT, Andrade ME, Silva JMA, Bezerra ICB, Carmo AP, Fernandes MC. Educational technologies in the training process: discourse of Nursing academics. Rev Enferm UFPE on line. 2019;13(1):155-61.
and training healthcare professionals for SUS,55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11.,1313 Farinha AL, Jaeger FP, Marchiori MRCT, Budel LJ, Colomé JS. Interprofessional education in teaching-service-community integration practices: perspectives of professors in the health area. Esc Anna Nery. 2023;27:e20220212.
,1414 Mattia BJ, Teo CRPA, Alves SM. Por uma pedagogia para a formação profissional para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): diálogos com Freire e Saviani. Interface. 2023;27:e220317.
considering that using the waiting room favors interaction between professionals, students and users through interactive practice that the environment makes possible.55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11. Furthermore, the assessment of student groups that completed their planned activities provides professors and monitors with elements for assessing pedagogical practices as well as pointing out ways to implement training methodologies.

It is found that the choice of the PBL approach is capable of improving cognitive aspects2020 Carbogim FC, Oliveira LB, Mendonça ÉT, Marques DA, Friedrich DBC, Püschel VAA. Teaching critical thinking skills through problem based learning. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2017;26(4):e1180017. in nursing training, in PHC,88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.
which builds learning through interference in the acquisition of knowledge, discernment and perception of needs for health promotion based on EE,2626 Lima SB, Oliveira AL. Educação Ambiental e cidadania por meio da educação formal. RevBEA. 2022;17(6):420-39.
,2727 Maria Rossini C, Rubens Cenci D. Interdisciplinaridade e educação ambiental: um diálogo sustentável. RPD. 2020;5(3):1733-46.
theme based on awareness of healthy practices2727 Maria Rossini C, Rubens Cenci D. Interdisciplinaridade e educação ambiental: um diálogo sustentável. RPD. 2020;5(3):1733-46.
and stimulation of cognitive functions2626 Lima SB, Oliveira AL. Educação Ambiental e cidadania por meio da educação formal. RevBEA. 2022;17(6):420-39.
in the course of applied dynamics. For instance, among students, logical reasoning is used to plan educational strategies and solve problems that arise during the learning process and action application,2828 Costa RLS. Neurociência e aprendizagem. Rev Bras Educ. 2023;28:e280010.
in line with what was indicated in the formulation of public policies.2929 Fittipaldi ALM, O’Dwyer G, Henriques P. Educação em saúde na atenção primária: as abordagens e estratégias contempladas nas políticas públicas de saúde. Interface. 2021;25:e200806.

For waiting room users, cognitive functions related to perception allow them to reflect on information received, critically assess its implications, and apply this understanding to the formation of attitudes and decision-making about health and environmental practices. In relation to monitor, the cognitive processes of communication, attention and adaptation2828 Costa RLS. Neurociência e aprendizagem. Rev Bras Educ. 2023;28:e280010.
stand out as particularly important, given that they play a role in continuous improvement in the educational process in PHC,2929 Fittipaldi ALM, O’Dwyer G, Henriques P. Educação em saúde na atenção primária: as abordagens e estratégias contempladas nas políticas públicas de saúde. Interface. 2021;25:e200806.
contributing significantly to the quality of environmental health education in guidance.

The waiting room has become a learning environment,55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11. by fostering critical awareness1414 Mattia BJ, Teo CRPA, Alves SM. Por uma pedagogia para a formação profissional para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): diálogos com Freire e Saviani. Interface. 2023;27:e220317.
regarding environmental2727 Maria Rossini C, Rubens Cenci D. Interdisciplinaridade e educação ambiental: um diálogo sustentável. RPD. 2020;5(3):1733-46.
and social problems, as well as by enabling individual and collective engagement77 Hafemann EA, Nunes CRO. Percepções de usuários da atenção primária sobre a ambiência da sala de espera. Rev Aten Saúde. 2023;21:e20238966.,88 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.
in preserving the environment, through discussions on solid waste management, pollution, health impacts, among other themes.2626 Lima SB, Oliveira AL. Educação Ambiental e cidadania por meio da educação formal. RevBEA. 2022;17(6):420-39.
,2727 Maria Rossini C, Rubens Cenci D. Interdisciplinaridade e educação ambiental: um diálogo sustentável. RPD. 2020;5(3):1733-46.
Therefore, mediation by educational technologies enhances the integration carried out in the waiting room55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11. and implements professional practice with educational approaches and strategies, in connection with public health policies.2929 Fittipaldi ALM, O’Dwyer G, Henriques P. Educação em saúde na atenção primária: as abordagens e estratégias contempladas nas políticas públicas de saúde. Interface. 2021;25:e200806.

Furthermore, using technologies in education helps in the interaction of HU users2929 Fittipaldi ALM, O’Dwyer G, Henriques P. Educação em saúde na atenção primária: as abordagens e estratégias contempladas nas políticas públicas de saúde. Interface. 2021;25:e200806.
and, consequently, makes learning more attractive and effective.55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11. In teaching-service-community integration practices, using leaflets, image panels and educational games contributes to raising awareness among the target audience about health education and the agents involved. In this context, ET should be adapted to meet the particularities of the people present in the waiting room.55 Pacheco WS, Cardoso GP, Almeida TA, Araújo JS, Lima NCS, Castro NJC. The teaching-learning process in the construction and application of educational action in the waiting room: experience report. Rev Enferm Cent O Min. 2023;13(1):1-11.

Furthermore, the educational process must be improved to change users’ and academics’ behavior,77 Hafemann EA, Nunes CRO. Percepções de usuários da atenção primária sobre a ambiência da sala de espera. Rev Aten Saúde. 2023;21:e20238966.

8 Andrade YDS, Azevêdo LMG, Santos LE, Jesus AS, Ribeiro CCS, Mergulhão MAF et al. Educação em saúde na sala de espera: espaço de produção de cuidado e trabalho interprofissional. Saúde Redes. 2021;7(2):73-82.
-99 Moniz MA, Daher DV, Sabóia VM, Ribeiro CRB. Environmental health: emancipatory care challenges and possibilities by the nurse. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73(3):e20180478. PMid:32267415.
in line with the environment preservation,2626 Lima SB, Oliveira AL. Educação Ambiental e cidadania por meio da educação formal. RevBEA. 2022;17(6):420-39.
in a continuous movement of transformation through action. Furthermore, it is important to promote inclusive learning that considers and values ​​diversity, contributing to educational action in the waiting room that is committed to society.3030 Braga FM, Mello RR, Bachega D. A unidade na diversidade em Paulo Freire: avanços para a transformação educacional. Prax Educ. 2021;16:1-21.

EA in the waiting room is essential for discussion and awareness of the proposed theme.11 Resolução nº 2, de 15 de junho de 2012 (BR). Estabelece as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Ambiental. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília (DF), 18 jun 2012: Seção 1: 70.,22 Gomes YL, Saheb Pedroso D, Gureski Rodrigues D, Andrade de Jesus Lelis D. Abordagens pedagógicas em Educação Ambiental: uma revisão sistemática. Rev Bras Estud Pedagogicos. 2023;104:e5221.
,2626 Lima SB, Oliveira AL. Educação Ambiental e cidadania por meio da educação formal. RevBEA. 2022;17(6):420-39.
,2727 Maria Rossini C, Rubens Cenci D. Interdisciplinaridade e educação ambiental: um diálogo sustentável. RPD. 2020;5(3):1733-46.
However, barriers and challenges to promoting environmental health education persist, which constitute impasses in the search for solutions that aim to change habits and build societies capable of sustainable development.44 Branco JC, Batista NA, Thomaz SMT. Socio-environmental Health in primary care: knowledge, training and practice. Saúde Debate. 2022;46(134):734-49.
,2727 Maria Rossini C, Rubens Cenci D. Interdisciplinaridade e educação ambiental: um diálogo sustentável. RPD. 2020;5(3):1733-46.
These obstacles are presented as elements of discussion throughout the process, as long as they are perceived by professors and/or monitors. Finally, it is appropriate to apply democratic educational practices to all those involved,3030 Braga FM, Mello RR, Bachega D. A unidade na diversidade em Paulo Freire: avanços para a transformação educacional. Prax Educ. 2021;16:1-21.
as, throughout and after application, assessments66 Grossman E, Bteshe M, Montovani EH, Nogueira ACR, Santos WA, Soares AAD et al. Análise de narrativas produzidas por estudantes de Medicina por meio da distribuição de pílulas literárias em uma sala de espera. Interface. 2021;25:e210149.
,77 Hafemann EA, Nunes CRO. Percepções de usuários da atenção primária sobre a ambiência da sala de espera. Rev Aten Saúde. 2023;21:e20238966. are carried out for the purposes of learning exercises2828 Costa RLS. Neurociência e aprendizagem. Rev Bras Educ. 2023;28:e280010.
on EE.22 Gomes YL, Saheb Pedroso D, Gureski Rodrigues D, Andrade de Jesus Lelis D. Abordagens pedagógicas em Educação Ambiental: uma revisão sistemática. Rev Bras Estud Pedagogicos. 2023;104:e5221.

Furthermore, to build a healthy society,2727 Maria Rossini C, Rubens Cenci D. Interdisciplinaridade e educação ambiental: um diálogo sustentável. RPD. 2020;5(3):1733-46.
social awareness is necessary, creating environments that welcome the public, but which also provide democratic structural spaces for listening, information and reception,3030 Braga FM, Mello RR, Bachega D. A unidade na diversidade em Paulo Freire: avanços para a transformação educacional. Prax Educ. 2021;16:1-21.
with the aim of integrating community knowledge and scientific knowledge.77 Hafemann EA, Nunes CRO. Percepções de usuários da atenção primária sobre a ambiência da sala de espera. Rev Aten Saúde. 2023;21:e20238966.

Regarding these possibilities, regarding the culture of solid waste disposal in Brazil, there are still no concerns about the destination and the harm it causes to health. Thus, priority is given to raising awareness and sensitizing individuals, groups and communities in relation to the environment, providing a basic understanding of the importance of EE.11 Resolução nº 2, de 15 de junho de 2012 (BR). Estabelece as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Ambiental. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília (DF), 18 jun 2012: Seção 1: 70.,2626 Lima SB, Oliveira AL. Educação Ambiental e cidadania por meio da educação formal. RevBEA. 2022;17(6):420-39.
,2727 Maria Rossini C, Rubens Cenci D. Interdisciplinaridade e educação ambiental: um diálogo sustentável. RPD. 2020;5(3):1733-46.

Thus, educational practices involve dialogic processes of transformation3030 Braga FM, Mello RR, Bachega D. A unidade na diversidade em Paulo Freire: avanços para a transformação educacional. Prax Educ. 2021;16:1-21.
that benefit human life. Thus, the waiting room, in addition to learning, also constitutes a space for listening and coexistence with diversity, being a potential space for future generations to change cultural habits rooted in the current generation.2626 Lima SB, Oliveira AL. Educação Ambiental e cidadania por meio da educação formal. RevBEA. 2022;17(6):420-39.
,2727 Maria Rossini C, Rubens Cenci D. Interdisciplinaridade e educação ambiental: um diálogo sustentável. RPD. 2020;5(3):1733-46.
It promotes therapeutic proposals that enable users to build care plans and take responsibility for their lives1313 Farinha AL, Jaeger FP, Marchiori MRCT, Budel LJ, Colomé JS. Interprofessional education in teaching-service-community integration practices: perspectives of professors in the health area. Esc Anna Nery. 2023;27:e20220212.
,1414 Mattia BJ, Teo CRPA, Alves SM. Por uma pedagogia para a formação profissional para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): diálogos com Freire e Saviani. Interface. 2023;27:e220317.
and learners — students — to understand the importance of exchanging knowledge to promote social transformation, equity and support for social improvement and health.2929 Fittipaldi ALM, O’Dwyer G, Henriques P. Educação em saúde na atenção primária: as abordagens e estratégias contempladas nas políticas públicas de saúde. Interface. 2021;25:e200806.
,3030 Braga FM, Mello RR, Bachega D. A unidade na diversidade em Paulo Freire: avanços para a transformação educacional. Prax Educ. 2021;16:1-21.


This study highlights the environmental educational practices implemented in the PHC waiting room, highlighting the potential of these spaces to increase environmental awareness and knowledge among its participants. It was pointed out here that such an environment enables improvements in cognitive issues related to environmental health education, highlighting the effectiveness of the methodologies adopted. The waiting room, as a space to promote information, functions as an educational environment that transcends mere waiting, encouraging active participation and community engagement in environmental issues.

The practical implications of this study are significant for society, as they contribute to increasing environmental awareness, promoting sustainable and healthy behaviors. For healthcare professionals, using waiting rooms as educational environments offers an opportunity for deeper engagement with users, improving communication and the effectiveness of health interventions. For the healthcare system, these initiatives can lead to reduced costs in the long term as prevention and EE translate into a more informed population that is less prone to environmentally related diseases.

The study is limited to analyzing the processes applied based on official records. Thus, it highlights the need to measure the impact of educational interventions in the long term and the demand for more robust methodologies to assess sustainable behavioral changes. Future research should explore innovative strategies and assess the effectiveness of different pedagogical approaches in the context of environmental health as well as investigate the integration of educational and digital technology to improve EE.

Finally, it is recommended to expand environmental educational practices in waiting rooms and other healthcare settings, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary and interprofessional approaches.


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Edited by



Ivone Evangelista Cabral

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    30 Mar 2024
  • Accepted
    15 July 2024
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil