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Dissemination of the knowledge of nursing: history of challenges and requirements


Dissemination of the knowledge of nursing: history of challenges and requirements

Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell I; Antonio José de Almeida Filho II

IDoutora em Enfermagem .Professora Titular do Departamento de Enfermagem Materno-Infantil. Diretora da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Pesquisadora do CNPQ. Brasil. E-mail:,

II Doutor em Enfermagem. Professor Adjunto I da EEAN/UFRJ. Membro do Nuphebras. Brasil. E-mail:

Since its creation in 1932, the first channel responsible for the socialization of the knowledge produced for Brazilian nursing, Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Brazilian Journal of Nursing) - which in those days was called Annais de Enfermagem (Annals of Nursing) - various institutions have made great efforts to expand the different spaces available in order to meet the growing demand for academic productions in the area of nursing.

The significant increase of these productions is a result, for the most part, of the increase in the demand for master degree studies in the seventies and of doctoral degree studies in the eighties. Due to these factors, these productions gained strength with the growth of the specialties and the diversity that the professionals of the area witness everyday in their different fields.

The “strictu sensus” postgraduate programs in nursing in Brazil, currently accredited by CAPES, total 32. Out of this total, 14 are doctoral degree studies. Thirteen are academic degree masters. Another sixteen are only academic master degrees and two others offer exclusively professional master degrees. This growth highlights the progressive development of these programs.

To keep up with this development, the nursing journals are required to make a corresponding effort meant to expand the space for the exchange of scientific knowledge in this area of interest. For this purpose, the nursing publications are making significant adjustments to their structures to achieve the greatest number of indexes possible.

The exposure that Internet offers the scientific journals of the different fields of knowledge allow nurses to have immediate access to the product of research of the different areas related to nursing. In the same manner, other areas have access to the production generated by nursing in the different inter-disciplinary professional spaces.

According to CAPES, the field of nursing is characterized as an area that has strengthened if we consider the extent achieved by the internalization that translates into visibility in the media and opportunities for integration. These conditions create the need for a clear commitment with the editors of scientific journals, as well as with the institutions responsible for maintaining the structure and infrastructure required for the continued development of these publications, whose efforts need to extend to other continents. At this time this is not an easy task.

The growth of the interest in the different areas of nursing is visible through the production of knowledge available in the different publications of nursing, and the information is becoming more and more qualified. This production is supported by interdisciplinary, intersectional and complex elements with important contributions from the social impacts of the different areas of national, regional and international nursing.

We believe in individual and collective efforts to achieve the goals and ensure the dissemination of relevant and innovative knowledge, regardless of the way one chooses to increase the number of nursing journals. This is the direction towards which the School of Nursing Anna Nery is investing great efforts, with coordinated action between the editorial board of the Journal of the School of Nursing Anna Nery, the Director of the General Coordination of Postgraduate Studies and Research, and all those involved in the process of evaluating manuscripts and submitting their manuscripts to the Journal of the School of Nursing Anna Nery.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 June 2010
  • Date of issue
    June 2009
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil