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The science and art practical of to take care and the requirements to the production and diffusion of the knowledge


The science and art practical of to take care and the requirements to the production and diffusion of the knowledge

Márcia de Assunção FerreiraI

IEnfermeira. Doutora em Enfermagem. Professora Titular da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Coordenadora Geral de Pós- Graduação e Pesquisa. Membro da Diretoria Colegiada do Núcleo de Pesquisa de Fundamentos do Cuidado de Enfermagem (NUCLEARTE)

The nursing, science and art of to take care of human beings, express itself in a social practical that objective to the attendance of the collectives, the families and the individual citizen. The humanistic approach detaches such in the action (to take care of) as in the object of the work itself of the nursing (well-taken care of).

To understand the answers human beings, and, therefore emotional, to the singular experiences that the customers reveal to the cares of nursing of which participate demand of the nurses knowledge technician, scientific and sensitivity that, articulated, they search to catch communicated the verbal and not verbal answers through behaviors, gestures and attitudes of the customers, in the day the day of the attendance. The captation of all this gamma of answers, significant, depends on the subjectivity of who takes care of, besides demanding objective readings on the part of the nurse.

The care of nursing is the expression of the professional activity of the nurse, or either, fruit of decisions marked out with buoys for the formal knowledge, scientific, deriving technician and of an academic formation. Therefore, one is about an action ethical.

In the care, are always implied two citizens in the action, nurse and customer, who interacts, dialogues, constructs and (re)building knowledge, attributes sensible to the actions and reacts to the experiences that share. This in takes them to think about the many involved dimensions in the care and in the process to take care of, that they go since the questions directly related to the clinical area, to the technique/technological and to interactive the necessary ones to the meeting of the care with the customer, how much to the dimensions partner-cultural and historical that mark out with buoys the agreement of the contexts in which are immersed customers and nurses.

In this number of the EAN Journal of Nursing, we have these questions treated in the 24 published manuscripts, what it shows concern of the nurses with the production of the knowledge on the science of the nursing, and the care, its object.

In general lines, the manuscripts bring to our reflection, made questions to the science of the nursing and the production of the knowledge, portraited in articles on the epistemology and the groups of nursing research. Thediscussion about the formation of the nurse and of the researcher bringing us questions on the importance of the increment that must give to the interchanges among institutions and practical the pedagogical ones that constitutes the professional formation of the nurse. The context of the work and the health of the worker brings to the surface that the nurse is one of the citizens implied in the action to take care of e, as such, also deserves attention in the care of nursing.

The techniques and technologies, the care and style of life of customers, and the concern that the nurses always reveal with the families and companions of hospitalized customers remains in the guideline of quarrel in this number, followed of other question-focus of interest of the current nursing as: the nursing diagnosis, to know them that they circulate on specific questions that imply in the care to the health, in a general way, and the nursing, in particular.

Yet, if it cannot leave to detach that the studies of the History of Nursing always in bring them to the reflection on the importance of if knowing the circumstances implied in the creation and evolutional trajectory of our profession, contributing, excessively, to think the nursing and its care, same reason of the knowledge that has 150 years more than we invest in constructing.

In this direction, the practical of science and the art of to take care of human beings ahead places the nurses of innumerable challenges, and the confrontation of the transformations that if place in the daily one of this practical, each time more, demands persistence and devotion in favor of the conquest of spaces politicians, and increment of the production and diffusion of the knowledge of the nursing.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Nov 2009
  • Date of issue
    June 2008
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil