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Dataset: Scientometric Indexes of Scientific Journals compared to the QUALIS stratum



It describes the creation and publication of the scientometric dataset of national and international journals consolidated from Qualis, Scopus, SJC, Diamond Journals and Google Scholar. The creation of the dataset aims to support Brazilian researchers who want to analyze and compare various scientometric attributes and also the economic model used by journals, even if they are not yet in Qualis. In addition to the dataset, the article also describes the implementation of a web query so that any researcher can carry out quick queries without the need to download the dataset.


This research is characterized as descriptive and applied because it involves a practical problem: the collection of journal data from various sources. To this end, the data was aggregated in a relational database and exported in an open file in CSV format.

Reuse potential:

The availability of aggregated scientific journal datasets allows other researchers to carry out bibliometric queries and analyses from a single source.

Bibliometrics; Scientific Journals; Citescore; API

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima - Trindade. CEP-88040-900, Telefone: +55 (48) 3721-2237 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil