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Scoping review and bibliometric analysis of scientific production on the study of special collections



To systematize the scientific literature about the study of special document collections available in open access data sources.


The scoping review is used as a methodological tool. The SALSA framework and the PRISMA-ScR template are applied. The exploratory systematic review in Google Scholar, Dimensions, and Academia.Edu is complemented with a bibliometric study. The conjunction of both contributes to a more holistic approach to the object of study.


The exploratory systematic review and the bibliometric analysis allowed identifying the characteristics and/or distinctive features of the domain in question from the analysis of the content of the scientific literature. A terminological diversity (homonymy, synonymy, polysemy) was obtained around the denomination of the same document/collection. The mapping of the coverage and the thematic profile determined the existence of a wide thematic configuration and the genesis of proposals for the analysis of these collections associated with a thematic front that favors the application of Digital Humanities.


The visualization of the elements, obtained from the review, reveals the ascending evolution of methodologies that -from the CI- pursue the creation of alternatives for the decoding of the documents that make up the special collections using a new perspective that offers the benefits of greater inclusivity, homogeneity, and social responsibility.

Special collections; Bibliometrics; Information Metric Studies; Literature review

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima - Trindade. CEP-88040-900, Telefone: +55 (48) 3721-2237 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil