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New epistemic and social challenges for the Information Science



To discuss the new horizons of thinking for the Information Science, considering the context changes on society, politics, economy, and environment that have been occurring and its potential reflection in epistemological and methodological terms for the field, pointing towards renewal possibilities under this perspective.


Makes use of bibliography and documents research methodology, supporting a theoretical-essay discussion with a praxiological approach.


As results, on one hand, the essay raises some of the contemporary main social change topics related to the field of Information Science; on the other hand, points towards empirical experiences that are innovative on the subject of political, cultural and social action that brings new informational practices. Such practices can bring inputs for formulating updated research questions and methods, contributing to sharp the IS field theoretical-methodological scope.


It is highlighted the necessity of a renewed exchange between theory and practice, aiming into a praxiological approach that incorporates dialogical forms and collaboration with the research subjects in its procedures. Also, the need for developing an effective interdisciplinary and intersectional methodology for the analysis of these phenomena, with a look committed to local social contexts, which may be inspired by the set of reflections by several authors generically identified as “Epistemologies of the South”.

Information Science; Praxis; Epistemologies of the South; Culture; Informational Practices

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima - Trindade. CEP-88040-900, Telefone: +55 (48) 3721-2237 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil