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Critical reading for gender equality: an experience report



The objective of this paper is to report an experience report of the extension project “Critical Reading for Gender Equality” developed between May and August 2022.


The project is theoretically based on feminist theories, on the concept of good living, of epistemic injustice, critical information literacy, mediation of reading and adopts Bell Hooks’ method of educational practice based on acceptance, affection and dialogue as a means of achieving an emancipatory formation. It was idealized, collaboratively, by a teacher and six students and consisted of six reading meetings, on Saturdays, at Skate Parquek.


The results include difficulties and successes. On one hand, there were no participants from outside the group, despite the publicity, indicating that it failed to engage external audiences; on the other, the students report development of reading and text interpretation, as well as increased confidence to express themselves. For them, the differentiated access to reading promoted several reflections on the theme of gender equality, in addition to stimulating their self-esteem.


It concludes that the development of critical reading skills based on feminist pedagogical practices works. Furthermore, empowering our students is good for them, for us, for our profession and helps society at large take a tiny step towards gender equality.

Reading practices; Critical thinking; Gender Equality; Epistemic injustice; Feminist theories

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima - Trindade. CEP-88040-900, Telefone: +55 (48) 3721-2237 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil