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Identificação e análise espacial das aglomerações produtivas do setor de confecções na região Sul

The aim of this paper is to identify and analyze the evolution of productive agglomerations in the Southern Brazil's clothing sector. Two factors underpin the methodological procedure: geographic proximity and sectoral concentration, combined by spatial concentration analysis. The first one by Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, and the second by constructing the normalized Concentration Index. The results show: positive spillover of the agglomerations beyond municipal and even state boundaries; remarkable progress for the State of Paraná, as much in spillover as in concentration; stability in spillover to the clusters' municipalities, but with strong concentration, in the state of Santa Catarina.

Local Productive Agglomerations; Concentration Index; Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis

Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida dos Bandeirantes, 3.900, CEP 14040-900 Ribeirão Preto SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 16 3315-3910 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil