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Brazil-China economic relations in the first two decades of the 21st century: an analysis based on contemporary challenges for Brazilian reindustrialization


This paper aims to provide a critical assessment of economic relations between Brazil and China over the last 20 years. The text seeks to synthesize the themes and axes highlighted in the literature that has analyzed bilateral economic relations with an emphasis on trade and investment themes, emphasizing the need for qualitative advances beyond what was consolidated in the first two decades of the 21st century. This need is due to the long process of deindustrialization that the Brazilian economy has been going through, and reinforced by the complex scenario of transformations that have been taking place in the global economy after the great financial crisis (GCF) of 2008 and by the changes in the development strategies that the country itself China has been adopting it ever since.

JEL: F10, F21, O14, O24.

China, Brasil; China relations; Brazilian reindustrialization

Instituto de Economia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Publicações Rua Pitágoras, 353 - CEP 13083-857, Tel.: +55 19 3521-5708 - Campinas - SP - Brazil