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China and the reshaping of the Argentinian and Brazilian development models during the 21st century

China e a reestruturação dos modelos de desenvolvimento de Argentina e Brasil durante o século XXI


During the 21st Century, China has played a growing role in international trade and geopolitics, with important consequences for the Global South. In Argentina and Brazil, international insertion as a development model has been questioned. Although this situation has allowed for economic growth, it has also recreated old relationships of dependency. This study contributes to the discussion of the possibilities of implementing development policies in Argentina and Brazil in a scenario in which the international (re) emergence of China reinforces the structural power of the historical ruling classes. To do so, dependency categories, as well as notions of the accumulation regime and Poulantzas’ power bloc, are used in an international political economy framework, which empirically focuses on elaborate data on trade and investment.

China; Argentina; Brazil; Development; Power bloc; Dependency

Instituto de Economia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Publicações Rua Pitágoras, 353 - CEP 13083-857, Tel.: +55 19 3521-5708 - Campinas - SP - Brazil