The key to software development is to be able to grasp users’/customers’ needs. Thus, interaction with users/customers is extremely important. The objective of this work is, through a case study, to share the experience in the process of deriving the requirements of an educational tool/software using the technique of content analysis, bringing relevant information about the need, and the importance of the involvement of the user in the new products development process. To this end, we sought from the literature the best practices in the process of developing new products, detailing the importance of user/customer participation. Then, we conducted interviews with a group of potential users of the proposed educational tool, to clarify the following question: “What should an educational tool for teaching about plagiarism have to promote learning?” and, subsequently, the content analysis of the interviews. In this way, we could identify the most relevant contents in teaching about plagiarism to be treated by the tool and the pedagogical approaches, i.e., the didactic strategies used by teachers. The interviews were also essential sources to identify teachers’ needs and suggestions about the educational tool/software.
Keywords: Academic plagiarism; Users/customers; Educational tool/software; New product; Requirements derivation